%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R 122 0 R 131 0 R 133 0 R 135 0 R 143 0 R 169 0 R ] /Count 7 /Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R /Font << /F1 8 0 R /F2 9 0 R /F3 10 0 R /F4 11 0 R /F5 124 0 R >> /XObject << /I1 12 0 R /I2 13 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] >> endobj 4 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageC ] endobj 5 0 obj << /Creator (DOMPDF) /CreationDate (D:20180721164122+00'00') /ModDate (D:20180721164122+00'00') /Title (Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on the Impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes PLOS Currents Disasters) >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Annots [ 14 0 R 16 0 R 18 0 R 20 0 R 22 0 R 24 0 R 26 0 R 28 0 R 30 0 R 32 0 R 34 0 R 36 0 R 38 0 R 40 0 R 42 0 R 44 0 R 46 0 R 48 0 R 50 0 R 52 0 R 54 0 R 56 0 R 58 0 R 60 0 R 62 0 R 64 0 R 66 0 R 68 0 R 70 0 R 72 0 R 74 0 R 76 0 R 78 0 R 80 0 R 82 0 R 84 0 R 86 0 R 88 0 R 90 0 R 92 0 R 94 0 R 96 0 R 98 0 R 100 0 R 102 0 R 104 0 R 106 0 R 108 0 R 110 0 R 112 0 R 114 0 R 116 0 R 118 0 R 120 0 R ] /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 26240 >> stream q 375.000 0 0 39.000 222.000 738.000 cm /I2 Do Q q 15.000 684.354 577.500 53.646 re W n 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 15.000 718.042 Td /F2 21.0 Tf [(Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on )] TJ ET BT 15.000 693.094 Td /F2 21.0 Tf [(the Impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes)] TJ ET Q 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 15.000 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [(April 2, 2014)] TJ ET BT 71.608 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 76.483 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [(Research Article)] TJ ET BT 26.250 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Sarb Johal)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 72.855 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 78.276 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Zoe Mounsey)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 137.341 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 142.762 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Robyn Tuohy)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 200.746 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 206.167 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(David Johnston)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 651.342 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Johal S, Mounsey Z, Tuohy R, Johnston D. Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on the Impact of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 639.438 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Canterbury Earthquakes. PLOS Currents Disasters. 2014 Apr 2 . Edition 1. doi: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 627.533 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(10.1371/currents.dis.cf4c8fa61b9f4535b878c48eca87ed5d.)] TJ ET q 15.000 31.315 577.500 593.837 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 598.430 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Abstract)] TJ ET BT 26.250 578.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Aim To explore the challenges for general practitioners \(GPs\) following the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes and describe )] TJ ET BT 26.250 566.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(how these were met.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 554.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Methods Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with eight GPs from the Christchurch area exploring their )] TJ ET BT 26.250 542.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(experiences.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 530.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Results The interviews revealed that the GPs faced a range of challenges both in the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes )] TJ ET BT 26.250 518.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and in the following months. These included dealing with an increased and changed workload, and managing personal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 507.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(concerns. The GPs reflected on their coping behaviour and how their professional practice had changed as a result.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 495.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Conclusions All GPs reported significant increases in workload raising questions about the need for coordination of locum )] TJ ET BT 26.250 483.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support. GPs often found themselves working outside their area of accustomed expertise especially in relation to patients )] TJ ET BT 26.250 471.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(needing financial aid. GPs identified a number of coping behaviours though some only in hindsight. Greater awareness of self-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 459.429 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care strategies would benefit GPs responding to disasters.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 422.826 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Funding Statement)] TJ ET BT 26.250 402.872 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This study was funded by the Massey University Research Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 390.967 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 361.865 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Introduction)] TJ ET BT 26.250 341.910 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Delivering best practice health services in the context of large-scale disaster events is a complex and challenging task. When a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 330.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(disaster like an earthquake strikes, the wide-ranging physical impacts also cause social and psychological disruption at )] TJ ET BT 26.250 318.101 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community, infrastructure and service levels)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 215.887 319.608 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(1)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 220.706 318.101 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . The more extreme the hazardous conditions, the larger the social and emotional )] TJ ET BT 26.250 306.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(effects tend to be)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 101.052 307.703 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 105.871 306.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Reactions to an extreme event such as a major earthquake have been found to vary. An extensive review)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 568.684 307.703 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 294.291 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(showed that the first year after the disaster typically marks the peak of symptoms and mental health impacts. The majority in the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 282.387 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community will experience some degree of emotional and psychological distress, which tends to remit over time without formal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 270.482 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(intervention)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 76.648 271.989 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(4)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 81.466 270.482 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( .)] TJ ET BT 26.250 251.077 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Within New Zealand, local general practitioners \(GPs\) play a significant role in attending to the health, support and referral of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 239.172 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(patients who have been affected by a disaster. One longitudinal study)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 326.501 240.680 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 331.320 239.172 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( found that uninjured disaster witnesses increased their )] TJ ET BT 26.250 227.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(number of contacts with primary care doctors by a factor of 1.55 during the first year post-disaster. GPs are well placed in the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 215.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community to deal with the acute and chronic mental health issues which commonly present in the post disaster phase)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 536.721 216.870 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(6)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 541.540 215.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 203.458 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However, GPs face the additional challenge of caring for a disaster affected community, while also being affected by the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 191.553 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(disaster themselves. Local doctors may shoulder a large proportion of the burden of health, support and referral for the affected )] TJ ET BT 26.250 179.649 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(population both in the post-immediate phase of a disaster and further on into the recovery. Numerous studies have shown that )] TJ ET BT 26.250 167.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(those involved in recovery as responders can also suffer from vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 464.084 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(7)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 468.902 171.632 Td /F1 8.7 Tf [(,)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 471.312 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(8)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 476.130 171.632 Td /F1 8.7 Tf [(,)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 478.540 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(9)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 483.358 167.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . GPs may find )] TJ ET BT 26.250 155.839 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(themselves being positioned by the wider community as stable, responsible, influential and helpful leaders while, in reality, they )] TJ ET BT 26.250 143.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(may be at times feeling as lost as any other survivor of the disaster)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 314.538 145.442 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(10)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 324.175 143.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Previous research suggests that while 80% of primary )] TJ ET BT 26.250 132.030 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care clinicians would be willing to assist, only 20% consider themselves well prepared to respond to a disaster)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 499.846 133.537 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(11)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 509.484 132.030 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( .)] TJ ET BT 26.250 112.625 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(On 22 February 2011, Christchurch New Zealand experienced a devastating earthquake, causing extensive damage and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 100.720 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(resulting in the deaths of one hundred and eighty-five people. The earthquake was part of a sequence which started in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 88.815 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(September 2010 and continued with magnitude 5+ earthquakes until December 2011. However aftershocks still occur and are )] TJ ET BT 26.250 76.911 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(felt throughout the region.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 57.506 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This research explores how GPs are coping with the dual challenge of personal and work demands and provides valuable )] TJ ET BT 26.250 45.601 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(information to assist in future disaster education, preparation and planning resources for GPs and the local community. )] TJ ET Q q 15.000 684.354 577.500 53.646 re W n 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 15.000 718.042 Td /F2 21.0 Tf [(Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on )] TJ ET BT 15.000 693.094 Td /F2 21.0 Tf [(the Impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes)] TJ ET Q 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 15.000 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [(April 2, 2014)] TJ ET BT 71.608 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 76.483 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [(Research Article)] TJ ET BT 26.250 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Sarb Johal)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 72.855 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 78.276 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Zoe Mounsey)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 137.341 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 142.762 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Robyn Tuohy)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 200.746 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 206.167 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(David Johnston)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 651.342 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Johal S, Mounsey Z, Tuohy R, Johnston D. Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on the Impact of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 639.438 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Canterbury Earthquakes. PLOS Currents Disasters. 2014 Apr 2 . Edition 1. doi: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 627.533 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(10.1371/currents.dis.cf4c8fa61b9f4535b878c48eca87ed5d.)] TJ ET q 15.000 31.315 577.500 593.837 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 598.430 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Abstract)] TJ ET BT 26.250 578.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Aim To explore the challenges for general practitioners \(GPs\) following the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes and describe )] TJ ET BT 26.250 566.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(how these were met.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 554.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Methods Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with eight GPs from the Christchurch area exploring their )] TJ ET BT 26.250 542.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(experiences.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 530.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Results The interviews revealed that the GPs faced a range of challenges both in the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes )] TJ ET BT 26.250 518.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and in the following months. These included dealing with an increased and changed workload, and managing personal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 507.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(concerns. The GPs reflected on their coping behaviour and how their professional practice had changed as a result.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 495.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Conclusions All GPs reported significant increases in workload raising questions about the need for coordination of locum )] TJ ET BT 26.250 483.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support. GPs often found themselves working outside their area of accustomed expertise especially in relation to patients )] TJ ET BT 26.250 471.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(needing financial aid. GPs identified a number of coping behaviours though some only in hindsight. Greater awareness of self-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 459.429 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care strategies would benefit GPs responding to disasters.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 422.826 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Funding Statement)] TJ ET BT 26.250 402.872 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This study was funded by the Massey University Research Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 390.967 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 361.865 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Introduction)] TJ ET BT 26.250 341.910 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Delivering best practice health services in the context of large-scale disaster events is a complex and challenging task. When a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 330.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(disaster like an earthquake strikes, the wide-ranging physical impacts also cause social and psychological disruption at )] TJ ET BT 26.250 318.101 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community, infrastructure and service levels)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 215.887 319.608 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(1)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 220.706 318.101 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . The more extreme the hazardous conditions, the larger the social and emotional )] TJ ET BT 26.250 306.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(effects tend to be)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 101.052 307.703 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 105.871 306.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Reactions to an extreme event such as a major earthquake have been found to vary. An extensive review)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 568.684 307.703 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 294.291 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(showed that the first year after the disaster typically marks the peak of symptoms and mental health impacts. The majority in the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 282.387 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community will experience some degree of emotional and psychological distress, which tends to remit over time without formal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 270.482 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(intervention)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 76.648 271.989 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(4)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 81.466 270.482 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( .)] TJ ET BT 26.250 251.077 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Within New Zealand, local general practitioners \(GPs\) play a significant role in attending to the health, support and referral of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 239.172 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(patients who have been affected by a disaster. One longitudinal study)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 326.501 240.680 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 331.320 239.172 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( found that uninjured disaster witnesses increased their )] TJ ET BT 26.250 227.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(number of contacts with primary care doctors by a factor of 1.55 during the first year post-disaster. GPs are well placed in the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 215.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community to deal with the acute and chronic mental health issues which commonly present in the post disaster phase)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 536.721 216.870 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(6)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 541.540 215.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 203.458 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However, GPs face the additional challenge of caring for a disaster affected community, while also being affected by the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 191.553 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(disaster themselves. Local doctors may shoulder a large proportion of the burden of health, support and referral for the affected )] TJ ET BT 26.250 179.649 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(population both in the post-immediate phase of a disaster and further on into the recovery. Numerous studies have shown that )] TJ ET BT 26.250 167.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(those involved in recovery as responders can also suffer from vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 464.084 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(7)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 468.902 171.632 Td /F1 8.7 Tf [(,)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 471.312 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(8)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 476.130 171.632 Td /F1 8.7 Tf [(,)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 478.540 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(9)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 483.358 167.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . GPs may find )] TJ ET BT 26.250 155.839 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(themselves being positioned by the wider community as stable, responsible, influential and helpful leaders while, in reality, they )] TJ ET BT 26.250 143.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(may be at times feeling as lost as any other survivor of the disaster)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 314.538 145.442 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(10)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 324.175 143.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Previous research suggests that while 80% of primary )] TJ ET BT 26.250 132.030 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care clinicians would be willing to assist, only 20% consider themselves well prepared to respond to a disaster)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 499.846 133.537 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(11)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 509.484 132.030 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( .)] TJ ET BT 26.250 112.625 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(On 22 February 2011, Christchurch New Zealand experienced a devastating earthquake, causing extensive damage and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 100.720 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(resulting in the deaths of one hundred and eighty-five people. The earthquake was part of a sequence which started in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 88.815 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(September 2010 and continued with magnitude 5+ earthquakes until December 2011. However aftershocks still occur and are )] TJ ET BT 26.250 76.911 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(felt throughout the region.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 57.506 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This research explores how GPs are coping with the dual challenge of personal and work demands and provides valuable )] TJ ET BT 26.250 45.601 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(information to assist in future disaster education, preparation and planning resources for GPs and the local community. )] TJ ET Q q 15.000 684.354 577.500 53.646 re W n 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 15.000 718.042 Td /F2 21.0 Tf [(Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on )] TJ ET BT 15.000 693.094 Td /F2 21.0 Tf [(the Impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes)] TJ ET Q 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 15.000 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [(April 2, 2014)] TJ ET BT 71.608 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 76.483 675.088 Td /F3 9.8 Tf [(Research Article)] TJ ET BT 26.250 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Sarb Johal)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 72.855 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 78.276 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Zoe Mounsey)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 137.341 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 142.762 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Robyn Tuohy)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 200.746 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 206.167 663.247 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(David Johnston)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 651.342 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Johal S, Mounsey Z, Tuohy R, Johnston D. Coping with Disaster: General Practitioners Perspectives on the Impact of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 639.438 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Canterbury Earthquakes. PLOS Currents Disasters. 2014 Apr 2 . Edition 1. doi: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 627.533 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(10.1371/currents.dis.cf4c8fa61b9f4535b878c48eca87ed5d.)] TJ ET q 15.000 31.315 577.500 593.837 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 598.430 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Abstract)] TJ ET BT 26.250 578.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Aim To explore the challenges for general practitioners \(GPs\) following the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes and describe )] TJ ET BT 26.250 566.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(how these were met.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 554.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Methods Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with eight GPs from the Christchurch area exploring their )] TJ ET BT 26.250 542.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(experiences.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 530.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Results The interviews revealed that the GPs faced a range of challenges both in the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes )] TJ ET BT 26.250 518.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and in the following months. These included dealing with an increased and changed workload, and managing personal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 507.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(concerns. The GPs reflected on their coping behaviour and how their professional practice had changed as a result.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 495.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Conclusions All GPs reported significant increases in workload raising questions about the need for coordination of locum )] TJ ET BT 26.250 483.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support. GPs often found themselves working outside their area of accustomed expertise especially in relation to patients )] TJ ET BT 26.250 471.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(needing financial aid. GPs identified a number of coping behaviours though some only in hindsight. Greater awareness of self-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 459.429 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care strategies would benefit GPs responding to disasters.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 422.826 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Funding Statement)] TJ ET BT 26.250 402.872 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This study was funded by the Massey University Research Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 390.967 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 361.865 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Introduction)] TJ ET BT 26.250 341.910 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Delivering best practice health services in the context of large-scale disaster events is a complex and challenging task. When a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 330.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(disaster like an earthquake strikes, the wide-ranging physical impacts also cause social and psychological disruption at )] TJ ET BT 26.250 318.101 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community, infrastructure and service levels)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 215.887 319.608 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(1)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 220.706 318.101 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . The more extreme the hazardous conditions, the larger the social and emotional )] TJ ET BT 26.250 306.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(effects tend to be)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 101.052 307.703 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 105.871 306.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Reactions to an extreme event such as a major earthquake have been found to vary. An extensive review)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 568.684 307.703 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 294.291 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(showed that the first year after the disaster typically marks the peak of symptoms and mental health impacts. The majority in the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 282.387 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community will experience some degree of emotional and psychological distress, which tends to remit over time without formal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 270.482 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(intervention)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 76.648 271.989 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(4)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 81.466 270.482 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( .)] TJ ET BT 26.250 251.077 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Within New Zealand, local general practitioners \(GPs\) play a significant role in attending to the health, support and referral of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 239.172 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(patients who have been affected by a disaster. One longitudinal study)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 326.501 240.680 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 331.320 239.172 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( found that uninjured disaster witnesses increased their )] TJ ET BT 26.250 227.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(number of contacts with primary care doctors by a factor of 1.55 during the first year post-disaster. GPs are well placed in the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 215.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(community to deal with the acute and chronic mental health issues which commonly present in the post disaster phase)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 536.721 216.870 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(6)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 541.540 215.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 203.458 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However, GPs face the additional challenge of caring for a disaster affected community, while also being affected by the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 191.553 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(disaster themselves. Local doctors may shoulder a large proportion of the burden of health, support and referral for the affected )] TJ ET BT 26.250 179.649 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(population both in the post-immediate phase of a disaster and further on into the recovery. Numerous studies have shown that )] TJ ET BT 26.250 167.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(those involved in recovery as responders can also suffer from vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 464.084 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(7)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 468.902 171.632 Td /F1 8.7 Tf [(,)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 471.312 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(8)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 476.130 171.632 Td /F1 8.7 Tf [(,)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 478.540 169.251 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(9)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 483.358 167.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . GPs may find )] TJ ET BT 26.250 155.839 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(themselves being positioned by the wider community as stable, responsible, influential and helpful leaders while, in reality, they )] TJ ET BT 26.250 143.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(may be at times feeling as lost as any other survivor of the disaster)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 314.538 145.442 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(10)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 324.175 143.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Previous research suggests that while 80% of primary )] TJ ET BT 26.250 132.030 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care clinicians would be willing to assist, only 20% consider themselves well prepared to respond to a disaster)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 499.846 133.537 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(11)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 509.484 132.030 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( .)] TJ ET BT 26.250 112.625 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(On 22 February 2011, Christchurch New Zealand experienced a devastating earthquake, causing extensive damage and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 100.720 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(resulting in the deaths of one hundred and eighty-five people. The earthquake was part of a sequence which started in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 88.815 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(September 2010 and continued with magnitude 5+ earthquakes until December 2011. However aftershocks still occur and are )] TJ ET BT 26.250 76.911 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(felt throughout the region.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 57.506 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This research explores how GPs are coping with the dual challenge of personal and work demands and provides valuable )] TJ ET BT 26.250 45.601 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(information to assist in future disaster education, preparation and planning resources for GPs and the local community. )] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(1)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Times-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 10 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F3 /BaseFont /Times-Italic /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 11 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F4 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 12 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 500 /Height 52 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 1 /Columns 500 /BitsPerComponent 8>> /ColorSpace /DeviceGray /BitsPerComponent 8 /Length 144>> stream x1 0 'ݲ؎"e{dzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAdzAtlM0\ endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 500 /Height 52 /SMask 12 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 3 /Columns 500 /BitsPerComponent 8>> /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /BitsPerComponent 8 /Length 3627>> stream x?b!/w N BU!@rܥ>L%|"ɾeB~qbϧG0 0 0 ü<,a ,a ,a /)܋( daKnW>'IR2 0x1ͽ{0 Z4= 4M޶mY}'IĖ2 0ָML}GQ48Iy>i("u>s6ne0 YfB;S}b 5ba,ZP՚ћuFڶ= 0{ǤbA!>m{wwW׵ApssDZdU,K:fs_׿___qykQbfMii{$̂>}JdB um{Lh'پy2c\ifZypE|,Uݝ,h4ڶ],R*\U-rQ9l PUUQ#G80aef_-mI*gߋlil-d:5ec]RUa0\ͼ$ ֌8jE%4BH\m=ϣfY )!vDL^)4axt=3*E<' _?>>.7DYt]׆0gqwр,ajmۢ(HMB$ [ U5;gfw`2R]u]GQD0g[Tt:a1J#,AU}0hwb>&8V~*ȀIH fuiah aMl7\:\>|,L5w(YqOFsoBy|<3^=6.ym۾%)~`XHnݰ‹IDs'oZ7In}wV|C%H{lDsDQ6]4jcЊͭ;*ٶv&A.09e(ji2btXɄy4?!ZEI"+Yɲy%'hZch@C+q,U1TA+FEe_R18;z.􃰢c ( H| $I.hy {ss&` 26:#(RuGQmZtJӅ˲csоj$}3#rl& j }>  ]x] ъ|G[1lfu ϛIaVz0-mvy2h܉ေA^XD`b"W#ֵU{(Y BAaDL]z_ex6 (nMOÈ%֐m`04Ԝ0aℓ.*"^=KeY~-'iM``v,Z꺞fRf1c+! 85BX,HeEљ @N^ԚG`5p |!L]U).?"l5eFQŞu]ɍK'eW/o҆&(i VM_ = E/J,;sqq0 W>rM=gdќ陞qѼ:2X;.˲j#Ņ뺮fbi\ו.u݋1mgXEQꋋ q@P%~VL0%b`eF4M}'@Sp8v;FߊdY]@u[5 (96 V0~1Gj Ňg֏= >\'ͪ$yX`!dhq%I0fF5x]t,hRˮb"3鈰@'5ؽE2>GI@ KȲLrÿ*1ȰT5ffܱYjuqqC3v(uEsI'c^چ#X,hAk"ZH6`XPW,>}fY6t^C8,Fi#nica Jzlf0 >سX,)m_Bs' c oN c>TT'%x&ߘ fi$W܇g[@ mDZ7]:RQjƘ.ğ$:؝, s{HzxqZKmF|Ϗ~p7@ {1$Xu}p(ĉzZaJ%i&0L@#\}GaT~tTQ,asEOxhy.?,aC9oqE=MS9I%8~WmdG:agO\\$,yHg^Ab%Ĩ7Z}џd2!YmN0X-#*ڈ/&W4MAYT?3;f udJ 6%ag9IxINlȦ|[+ ٘{R0' uT?NP%A wD&1=4L&ĵg-G)+0*V} 62T75yiۣrѰڳ>$'?B'IeY0K1WH]NkiR m<˭XF.xaijT==}~&;ہHA7| \( s\? ~_{ޒ{ O?^AVtї~g~~mVfS XtU6wMUv8|xxG-ü[A܆m!g۾勜*N5,sP=0 cibCub=2xa? 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(https://currents.plos.org/disasters/article/coping-with-disaster-general-practitioners-perspectives-on-the-impact-of-the-canterbury-earthquakes/) >> endobj 52 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 53 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 15.0000 691.2036 400.5600 711.9936 ] >> endobj 53 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/article/coping-with-disaster-general-practitioners-perspectives-on-the-impact-of-the-canterbury-earthquakes/) >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 55 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 76.4835 674.2101 141.7403 683.8626 ] >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/article_category/research-article/) >> endobj 56 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 57 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 662.3453 72.8550 672.2659 ] >> endobj 57 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/sarbjitjohal/) >> endobj 58 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 59 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 78.2760 662.3453 137.3415 672.2659 ] >> endobj 59 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/z-r-mounseymassey-ac-nz/) >> endobj 60 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 61 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 142.7625 662.3453 200.7457 672.2659 ] >> endobj 61 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/r2eclear-net-nz/) >> endobj 62 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 63 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 206.1667 662.3453 273.3637 672.2659 ] >> endobj 63 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/david-johnstongns-cri-nz/) >> endobj 64 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 65 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 215.8875 318.8064 220.7062 327.6248 ] >> endobj 65 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 67 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 101.0520 306.9017 105.8707 315.7200 ] >> endobj 67 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 68 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 69 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 568.6837 306.9017 573.5023 315.7200 ] >> endobj 69 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 70 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 71 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 76.6478 271.1874 81.4664 280.0058 ] >> endobj 71 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 72 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 73 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 326.5013 239.8779 331.3199 248.6963 ] >> endobj 73 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 74 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 75 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 536.7210 216.0684 541.5397 224.8868 ] >> endobj 75 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 76 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 77 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 464.0835 168.4494 468.9022 177.2678 ] >> endobj 77 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 78 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 79 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 471.3115 168.4494 476.1302 177.2678 ] >> endobj 79 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 80 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 81 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 478.5395 168.4494 483.3582 177.2678 ] >> endobj 81 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 82 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 83 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 314.5380 144.6399 324.1753 153.4583 ] >> endobj 83 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 84 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 85 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 499.8465 132.7352 509.4838 141.5535 ] >> endobj 85 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 86 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 87 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 15.0000 716.1516 566.1660 736.9416 ] >> endobj 87 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/article/coping-with-disaster-general-practitioners-perspectives-on-the-impact-of-the-canterbury-earthquakes/) >> endobj 88 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 89 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 15.0000 691.2036 400.5600 711.9936 ] >> endobj 89 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/article/coping-with-disaster-general-practitioners-perspectives-on-the-impact-of-the-canterbury-earthquakes/) >> endobj 90 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 91 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 76.4835 674.2101 141.7403 683.8626 ] >> endobj 91 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/article_category/research-article/) >> endobj 92 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 93 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 662.3453 72.8550 672.2659 ] >> endobj 93 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/sarbjitjohal/) >> endobj 94 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 95 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 78.2760 662.3453 137.3415 672.2659 ] >> endobj 95 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/z-r-mounseymassey-ac-nz/) >> endobj 96 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 97 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 142.7625 662.3453 200.7457 672.2659 ] >> endobj 97 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/r2eclear-net-nz/) >> endobj 98 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 99 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 206.1667 662.3453 273.3637 672.2659 ] >> endobj 99 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://currents.plos.org/disasters/author/david-johnstongns-cri-nz/) >> endobj 100 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 101 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 215.8875 318.8064 220.7062 327.6248 ] >> endobj 101 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 102 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 103 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 101.0520 306.9017 105.8707 315.7200 ] >> endobj 103 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 104 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 105 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 568.6837 306.9017 573.5023 315.7200 ] >> endobj 105 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 106 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 107 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 76.6478 271.1874 81.4664 280.0058 ] >> endobj 107 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 108 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 109 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 326.5013 239.8779 331.3199 248.6963 ] >> endobj 109 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 110 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 111 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 536.7210 216.0684 541.5397 224.8868 ] >> endobj 111 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 112 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 113 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 464.0835 168.4494 468.9022 177.2678 ] >> endobj 113 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 114 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 115 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 471.3115 168.4494 476.1302 177.2678 ] >> endobj 115 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 116 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 117 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 478.5395 168.4494 483.3582 177.2678 ] >> endobj 117 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 118 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 119 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 314.5380 144.6399 324.1753 153.4583 ] >> endobj 119 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 120 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 121 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 499.8465 132.7352 509.4838 141.5535 ] >> endobj 121 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 122 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Annots [ 125 0 R 127 0 R 129 0 R ] /Contents 123 0 R >> endobj 123 0 obj << /Length 20848 >> stream 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg q 15.000 33.292 577.500 743.708 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Information on GPs experiences in this major New Zealand disaster response contributes to the on-going recovery effort and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 755.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(preparation/planning for future events.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 718.969 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Methods)] TJ ET BT 26.250 699.015 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Qualitative research methodology was used to explore the GPs own experiences following the earthquakes. The data were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 687.110 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(collected between November 2012 and February 2013. This meant that a number of months had passed since the start of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 675.205 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquake sequence enabling the research to include longer term impacts and challenges. The research design used semi-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 663.300 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(structured open-ended interviews to elicit extended answers to questions about the challenges GPs have faced following the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 651.396 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes. The rationale for the semi-structured interview format was to explore the perspective of each GP, using general )] TJ ET BT 26.250 639.491 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(questions about what they have been experiencing since the disaster.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 620.086 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Interviews took place with eight GPs from across the Christchurch area and included practices from different socio-economic )] TJ ET BT 26.250 608.181 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(areas \(poorer to more affluent suburbs\). GPs were recruited using a snowball technique in which key informants with knowledge )] TJ ET BT 26.250 596.277 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of GP services in the area nominated GPs who were then invited to participate. The interviews were scheduled at a place and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 584.372 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(time convenient for each GP and audio-taped with permission from each participant. Five female GPs and three male GPs were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.467 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(interviewed covering a range of employment types from locum and salaried GPs to practice director/owner. The length of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 560.562 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(interviews ranged from 21 to 53 minutes.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 541.158 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The transcribed interviews were analysed and coded using a grounded theory approach)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 405.057 542.665 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(15)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 414.694 541.158 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . These codes were used to describe )] TJ ET BT 26.250 529.253 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(common themes that recurred during the interviews. Different members of the research team conducted the data collection and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 517.348 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(analysis. The data went through several stages of coding and theme generation to understand what the participants saw as )] TJ ET BT 26.250 505.443 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(significant and important. These themes were checked through discussions within the research team.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 486.039 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The study was peer reviewed and judged to be of low risk. This review was recorded on the Massey University Ethics )] TJ ET BT 26.250 474.134 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Committee low risk database after having met their set criteria, and participants were informed accordingly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 437.531 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Results)] TJ ET BT 26.250 417.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The interviews revealed that the GPs faced a number of challenges both in the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes and in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 405.672 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the following months. Those challenges included dealing with an increased and different workload amidst managing personal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 393.768 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(concerns. The GPs also reflected on their coping behaviour and how their professional practice changed as a result.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 374.363 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Impact)] TJ ET BT 26.250 354.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The practices experienced differing levels of impact immediately following the earthquakes from )] TJ ET BT 444.028 354.958 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(sudden, dramatic, phones )] TJ ET BT 26.250 343.053 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(gone, computers gone, powers gone, liquefaction all around us, water all around us, two or three feet)] TJ ET BT 463.596 343.053 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( to no physical or )] TJ ET BT 26.250 331.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(structural damage. The GPs themselves experienced differing levels of personal impact:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 311.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 311.744 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I think it was 16 months we were out of our homeliving out of a suitcase)] TJ ET BT 347.054 311.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 292.339 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However despite these difficulties a real sense of dedication to patients was evident in the interviews:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 272.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 272.934 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we went and visited people in the community thatwe were worried about)] TJ ET BT 349.755 272.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 253.530 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One GP talked about the help they received from the local community to get the surgery running again:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 234.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 234.125 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(people coming and going with boots, and shovels and wheelbarrowshelping to clear up)] TJ ET BT 413.725 234.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 214.720 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Those practices that did not experience significant structural damage due to geographical location were affected by the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 202.815 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes in other ways in particular high workload due to population migration:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 183.411 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(lots of people moved out to live with family out here people told us their stories, but they were so relieved to be here where it )] TJ ET BT 26.250 171.506 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(was safe we didnt really have the stress of the really unwell and stressed out patients, but we had more of the stress of being )] TJ ET BT 26.250 159.601 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(fully booked all the time and getting numbers through)] TJ ET BT 255.492 159.601 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 140.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Two of the GPs, either due to physical damage to the clinic or depopulation of the area, actually found themselves without a job:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 120.792 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 120.792 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it really affected numbers, so consequently I was laid off from work)] TJ ET BT 316.693 120.792 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 101.387 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Personal Experience)] TJ ET BT 26.250 81.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs reflected on their experiences in the weeks following the earthquakes:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 62.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 62.577 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(felt you had to be strong for people)] TJ ET BT 180.173 62.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 33.292 577.500 743.708 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Information on GPs experiences in this major New Zealand disaster response contributes to the on-going recovery effort and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 755.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(preparation/planning for future events.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 718.969 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Methods)] TJ ET BT 26.250 699.015 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Qualitative research methodology was used to explore the GPs own experiences following the earthquakes. The data were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 687.110 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(collected between November 2012 and February 2013. This meant that a number of months had passed since the start of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 675.205 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquake sequence enabling the research to include longer term impacts and challenges. The research design used semi-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 663.300 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(structured open-ended interviews to elicit extended answers to questions about the challenges GPs have faced following the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 651.396 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes. The rationale for the semi-structured interview format was to explore the perspective of each GP, using general )] TJ ET BT 26.250 639.491 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(questions about what they have been experiencing since the disaster.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 620.086 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Interviews took place with eight GPs from across the Christchurch area and included practices from different socio-economic )] TJ ET BT 26.250 608.181 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(areas \(poorer to more affluent suburbs\). GPs were recruited using a snowball technique in which key informants with knowledge )] TJ ET BT 26.250 596.277 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of GP services in the area nominated GPs who were then invited to participate. The interviews were scheduled at a place and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 584.372 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(time convenient for each GP and audio-taped with permission from each participant. Five female GPs and three male GPs were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.467 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(interviewed covering a range of employment types from locum and salaried GPs to practice director/owner. The length of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 560.562 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(interviews ranged from 21 to 53 minutes.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 541.158 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The transcribed interviews were analysed and coded using a grounded theory approach)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 405.057 542.665 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(15)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 414.694 541.158 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . These codes were used to describe )] TJ ET BT 26.250 529.253 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(common themes that recurred during the interviews. Different members of the research team conducted the data collection and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 517.348 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(analysis. The data went through several stages of coding and theme generation to understand what the participants saw as )] TJ ET BT 26.250 505.443 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(significant and important. These themes were checked through discussions within the research team.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 486.039 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The study was peer reviewed and judged to be of low risk. This review was recorded on the Massey University Ethics )] TJ ET BT 26.250 474.134 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Committee low risk database after having met their set criteria, and participants were informed accordingly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 437.531 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Results)] TJ ET BT 26.250 417.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The interviews revealed that the GPs faced a number of challenges both in the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes and in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 405.672 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the following months. Those challenges included dealing with an increased and different workload amidst managing personal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 393.768 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(concerns. The GPs also reflected on their coping behaviour and how their professional practice changed as a result.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 374.363 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Impact)] TJ ET BT 26.250 354.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The practices experienced differing levels of impact immediately following the earthquakes from )] TJ ET BT 444.028 354.958 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(sudden, dramatic, phones )] TJ ET BT 26.250 343.053 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(gone, computers gone, powers gone, liquefaction all around us, water all around us, two or three feet)] TJ ET BT 463.596 343.053 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( to no physical or )] TJ ET BT 26.250 331.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(structural damage. The GPs themselves experienced differing levels of personal impact:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 311.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 311.744 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I think it was 16 months we were out of our homeliving out of a suitcase)] TJ ET BT 347.054 311.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 292.339 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However despite these difficulties a real sense of dedication to patients was evident in the interviews:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 272.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 272.934 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we went and visited people in the community thatwe were worried about)] TJ ET BT 349.755 272.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 253.530 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One GP talked about the help they received from the local community to get the surgery running again:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 234.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 234.125 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(people coming and going with boots, and shovels and wheelbarrowshelping to clear up)] TJ ET BT 413.725 234.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 214.720 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Those practices that did not experience significant structural damage due to geographical location were affected by the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 202.815 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes in other ways in particular high workload due to population migration:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 183.411 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(lots of people moved out to live with family out here people told us their stories, but they were so relieved to be here where it )] TJ ET BT 26.250 171.506 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(was safe we didnt really have the stress of the really unwell and stressed out patients, but we had more of the stress of being )] TJ ET BT 26.250 159.601 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(fully booked all the time and getting numbers through)] TJ ET BT 255.492 159.601 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 140.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Two of the GPs, either due to physical damage to the clinic or depopulation of the area, actually found themselves without a job:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 120.792 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 120.792 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it really affected numbers, so consequently I was laid off from work)] TJ ET BT 316.693 120.792 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 101.387 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Personal Experience)] TJ ET BT 26.250 81.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs reflected on their experiences in the weeks following the earthquakes:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 62.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 62.577 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(felt you had to be strong for people)] TJ ET BT 180.173 62.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 33.292 577.500 743.708 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Information on GPs experiences in this major New Zealand disaster response contributes to the on-going recovery effort and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 755.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(preparation/planning for future events.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 718.969 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Methods)] TJ ET BT 26.250 699.015 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Qualitative research methodology was used to explore the GPs own experiences following the earthquakes. The data were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 687.110 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(collected between November 2012 and February 2013. This meant that a number of months had passed since the start of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 675.205 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquake sequence enabling the research to include longer term impacts and challenges. The research design used semi-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 663.300 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(structured open-ended interviews to elicit extended answers to questions about the challenges GPs have faced following the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 651.396 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes. The rationale for the semi-structured interview format was to explore the perspective of each GP, using general )] TJ ET BT 26.250 639.491 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(questions about what they have been experiencing since the disaster.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 620.086 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Interviews took place with eight GPs from across the Christchurch area and included practices from different socio-economic )] TJ ET BT 26.250 608.181 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(areas \(poorer to more affluent suburbs\). GPs were recruited using a snowball technique in which key informants with knowledge )] TJ ET BT 26.250 596.277 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of GP services in the area nominated GPs who were then invited to participate. The interviews were scheduled at a place and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 584.372 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(time convenient for each GP and audio-taped with permission from each participant. Five female GPs and three male GPs were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.467 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(interviewed covering a range of employment types from locum and salaried GPs to practice director/owner. The length of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 560.562 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(interviews ranged from 21 to 53 minutes.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 541.158 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The transcribed interviews were analysed and coded using a grounded theory approach)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 405.057 542.665 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(15)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 414.694 541.158 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . These codes were used to describe )] TJ ET BT 26.250 529.253 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(common themes that recurred during the interviews. Different members of the research team conducted the data collection and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 517.348 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(analysis. The data went through several stages of coding and theme generation to understand what the participants saw as )] TJ ET BT 26.250 505.443 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(significant and important. These themes were checked through discussions within the research team.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 486.039 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The study was peer reviewed and judged to be of low risk. This review was recorded on the Massey University Ethics )] TJ ET BT 26.250 474.134 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Committee low risk database after having met their set criteria, and participants were informed accordingly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 437.531 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Results)] TJ ET BT 26.250 417.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The interviews revealed that the GPs faced a number of challenges both in the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes and in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 405.672 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the following months. Those challenges included dealing with an increased and different workload amidst managing personal )] TJ ET BT 26.250 393.768 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(concerns. The GPs also reflected on their coping behaviour and how their professional practice changed as a result.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 374.363 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Impact)] TJ ET BT 26.250 354.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The practices experienced differing levels of impact immediately following the earthquakes from )] TJ ET BT 444.028 354.958 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(sudden, dramatic, phones )] TJ ET BT 26.250 343.053 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(gone, computers gone, powers gone, liquefaction all around us, water all around us, two or three feet)] TJ ET BT 463.596 343.053 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( to no physical or )] TJ ET BT 26.250 331.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(structural damage. The GPs themselves experienced differing levels of personal impact:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 311.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 311.744 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I think it was 16 months we were out of our homeliving out of a suitcase)] TJ ET BT 347.054 311.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 292.339 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However despite these difficulties a real sense of dedication to patients was evident in the interviews:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 272.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 272.934 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we went and visited people in the community thatwe were worried about)] TJ ET BT 349.755 272.934 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 253.530 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One GP talked about the help they received from the local community to get the surgery running again:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 234.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 234.125 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(people coming and going with boots, and shovels and wheelbarrowshelping to clear up)] TJ ET BT 413.725 234.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 214.720 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Those practices that did not experience significant structural damage due to geographical location were affected by the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 202.815 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes in other ways in particular high workload due to population migration:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 183.411 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(lots of people moved out to live with family out here people told us their stories, but they were so relieved to be here where it )] TJ ET BT 26.250 171.506 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(was safe we didnt really have the stress of the really unwell and stressed out patients, but we had more of the stress of being )] TJ ET BT 26.250 159.601 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(fully booked all the time and getting numbers through)] TJ ET BT 255.492 159.601 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 140.196 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Two of the GPs, either due to physical damage to the clinic or depopulation of the area, actually found themselves without a job:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 120.792 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 120.792 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it really affected numbers, so consequently I was laid off from work)] TJ ET BT 316.693 120.792 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 101.387 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Personal Experience)] TJ ET BT 26.250 81.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs reflected on their experiences in the weeks following the earthquakes:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 62.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 62.577 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(felt you had to be strong for people)] TJ ET BT 180.173 62.577 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(2)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 124 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F5 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 125 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 126 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 405.0570 541.8632 414.6943 550.6815 ] >> endobj 126 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 127 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 128 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 405.0570 541.8632 414.6943 550.6815 ] >> endobj 128 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 129 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 130 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 405.0570 541.8632 414.6943 550.6815 ] >> endobj 130 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 131 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 132 0 R >> endobj 132 0 obj << /Length 17497 >> stream 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg q 15.000 96.478 577.500 680.522 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 767.476 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(the physical tiredness that went with the mental tirednessjust completely wiped)] TJ ET BT 378.469 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( out.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This emotional exhaustion was attributed by GPs to higher workloads and sleep deprivation due to continuing aftershocks but )] TJ ET BT 26.250 736.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(also to the nature of the consultations:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 716.762 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(my wife and I are now working standardly up to 7 oclock at night sometimes and a significant amount of that will be just the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 704.857 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(extra component of emotion, somatic presentation)] TJ ET BT 242.476 704.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 685.452 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 685.452 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it tested the limits of your scope of practice, in a physical sense it was fine but the emotional gamut that you were having to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 673.548 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(deal with)] TJ ET BT 64.724 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 654.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The increased demands also put stress on other practice staff, with some practices experiencing loss of front desk and nursing )] TJ ET BT 26.250 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(staff:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 622.833 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 622.833 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [([it has] fallen back on nursing staff quite a bit too to try and create protocols where they can up their game, unfortunately that )] TJ ET BT 26.250 610.929 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(has put a lot of stress on them)] TJ ET BT 26.250 591.524 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(weve had attrition rate from front desk stafftheyve pulled out)] TJ ET BT 302.077 591.524 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(When these GPs experienced significant increases in workloads they seemed reluctant to ask for help or felt that it was not )] TJ ET BT 26.250 560.214 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(available:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 540.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 540.810 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(there were far, far, far worse practices than us and I think, boy, they probably needed the break far more than we did)] TJ ET BT 531.329 540.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 521.405 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(there were no locums so we just had to cover each other.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 502.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Whereas in other areas there was a perceived surfeit of support:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 482.595 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I felt the 24 hour surgery was almost over staffed.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 463.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In addition to seeing patients for stress and anxiety around the earthquakes, the GPs commented that they were often asked to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 451.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(help with wider issues such housing and financial support:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 431.881 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 431.881 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(that wasnt so clear, the pathway to facilitating financial aid for patients)] TJ ET BT 332.975 431.881 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 412.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Those GPs who were well established in their communities with good networks seemed better equipped to provide wider help. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 400.572 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Others, particularly those new to areas or locums found it harder. One GP experienced difficulty working in a deprived area with )] TJ ET BT 26.250 388.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(a high refugee population with complex inter-related needs.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 369.262 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Personal/work demands)] TJ ET BT 26.250 349.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs talked about facing the dual challenge of personal and work demands, especially in the first few days after the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 337.953 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes. For many, this resulted in putting work first. However, one GP talked about the difficulty of putting her family first:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 318.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 318.548 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I was expected to go in, but I didntso yeah I did feel bad about it, but my husband was so upset that he said, I cant, you )] TJ ET BT 26.250 306.643 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(cant put your job before your family)] TJ ET BT 180.690 306.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 287.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The longer term demands, particularly working long hours, had an impact on personal relationships:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 267.834 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 267.834 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(she was resentful, resentful at how much time I spent at work)] TJ ET BT 293.400 267.834 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 248.429 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs talked about how work became an escape from personal concerns:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 229.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 229.024 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(home was more stressful than work for me)] TJ ET BT 213.177 229.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 209.619 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Coping behaviour)] TJ ET BT 26.250 190.215 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs were aware of the potential long term impact of this emotional exhaustion and ensured that they took care of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 178.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(themselves:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 158.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 158.905 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I knew I needed to recharge the batteries constantly)] TJ ET BT 253.327 158.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 139.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However not all GPs were as proactive, only recognising the need for self-care in hindsight. A variety of coping behaviours were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 127.596 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(identified by the GPs including peer support, exercise, socialising and taking time out. These are detailed in the table below.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 96.478 577.500 680.522 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 767.476 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(the physical tiredness that went with the mental tirednessjust completely wiped)] TJ ET BT 378.469 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( out.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This emotional exhaustion was attributed by GPs to higher workloads and sleep deprivation due to continuing aftershocks but )] TJ ET BT 26.250 736.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(also to the nature of the consultations:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 716.762 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(my wife and I are now working standardly up to 7 oclock at night sometimes and a significant amount of that will be just the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 704.857 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(extra component of emotion, somatic presentation)] TJ ET BT 242.476 704.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 685.452 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 685.452 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it tested the limits of your scope of practice, in a physical sense it was fine but the emotional gamut that you were having to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 673.548 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(deal with)] TJ ET BT 64.724 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 654.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The increased demands also put stress on other practice staff, with some practices experiencing loss of front desk and nursing )] TJ ET BT 26.250 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(staff:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 622.833 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 622.833 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [([it has] fallen back on nursing staff quite a bit too to try and create protocols where they can up their game, unfortunately that )] TJ ET BT 26.250 610.929 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(has put a lot of stress on them)] TJ ET BT 26.250 591.524 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(weve had attrition rate from front desk stafftheyve pulled out)] TJ ET BT 302.077 591.524 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(When these GPs experienced significant increases in workloads they seemed reluctant to ask for help or felt that it was not )] TJ ET BT 26.250 560.214 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(available:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 540.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 540.810 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(there were far, far, far worse practices than us and I think, boy, they probably needed the break far more than we did)] TJ ET BT 531.329 540.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 521.405 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(there were no locums so we just had to cover each other.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 502.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Whereas in other areas there was a perceived surfeit of support:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 482.595 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I felt the 24 hour surgery was almost over staffed.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 463.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In addition to seeing patients for stress and anxiety around the earthquakes, the GPs commented that they were often asked to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 451.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(help with wider issues such housing and financial support:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 431.881 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 431.881 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(that wasnt so clear, the pathway to facilitating financial aid for patients)] TJ ET BT 332.975 431.881 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 412.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Those GPs who were well established in their communities with good networks seemed better equipped to provide wider help. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 400.572 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Others, particularly those new to areas or locums found it harder. One GP experienced difficulty working in a deprived area with )] TJ ET BT 26.250 388.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(a high refugee population with complex inter-related needs.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 369.262 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Personal/work demands)] TJ ET BT 26.250 349.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs talked about facing the dual challenge of personal and work demands, especially in the first few days after the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 337.953 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes. For many, this resulted in putting work first. However, one GP talked about the difficulty of putting her family first:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 318.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 318.548 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I was expected to go in, but I didntso yeah I did feel bad about it, but my husband was so upset that he said, I cant, you )] TJ ET BT 26.250 306.643 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(cant put your job before your family)] TJ ET BT 180.690 306.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 287.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The longer term demands, particularly working long hours, had an impact on personal relationships:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 267.834 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 267.834 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(she was resentful, resentful at how much time I spent at work)] TJ ET BT 293.400 267.834 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 248.429 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs talked about how work became an escape from personal concerns:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 229.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 229.024 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(home was more stressful than work for me)] TJ ET BT 213.177 229.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 209.619 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Coping behaviour)] TJ ET BT 26.250 190.215 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs were aware of the potential long term impact of this emotional exhaustion and ensured that they took care of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 178.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(themselves:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 158.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 158.905 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I knew I needed to recharge the batteries constantly)] TJ ET BT 253.327 158.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 139.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However not all GPs were as proactive, only recognising the need for self-care in hindsight. A variety of coping behaviours were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 127.596 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(identified by the GPs including peer support, exercise, socialising and taking time out. These are detailed in the table below.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 96.478 577.500 680.522 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 767.476 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(the physical tiredness that went with the mental tirednessjust completely wiped)] TJ ET BT 378.469 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( out.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(This emotional exhaustion was attributed by GPs to higher workloads and sleep deprivation due to continuing aftershocks but )] TJ ET BT 26.250 736.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(also to the nature of the consultations:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 716.762 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(my wife and I are now working standardly up to 7 oclock at night sometimes and a significant amount of that will be just the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 704.857 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(extra component of emotion, somatic presentation)] TJ ET BT 242.476 704.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 685.452 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 685.452 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it tested the limits of your scope of practice, in a physical sense it was fine but the emotional gamut that you were having to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 673.548 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(deal with)] TJ ET BT 64.724 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 654.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The increased demands also put stress on other practice staff, with some practices experiencing loss of front desk and nursing )] TJ ET BT 26.250 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(staff:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 622.833 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 622.833 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [([it has] fallen back on nursing staff quite a bit too to try and create protocols where they can up their game, unfortunately that )] TJ ET BT 26.250 610.929 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(has put a lot of stress on them)] TJ ET BT 26.250 591.524 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(weve had attrition rate from front desk stafftheyve pulled out)] TJ ET BT 302.077 591.524 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(When these GPs experienced significant increases in workloads they seemed reluctant to ask for help or felt that it was not )] TJ ET BT 26.250 560.214 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(available:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 540.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 540.810 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(there were far, far, far worse practices than us and I think, boy, they probably needed the break far more than we did)] TJ ET BT 531.329 540.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 521.405 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(there were no locums so we just had to cover each other.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 502.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Whereas in other areas there was a perceived surfeit of support:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 482.595 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I felt the 24 hour surgery was almost over staffed.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 463.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In addition to seeing patients for stress and anxiety around the earthquakes, the GPs commented that they were often asked to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 451.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(help with wider issues such housing and financial support:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 431.881 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 431.881 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(that wasnt so clear, the pathway to facilitating financial aid for patients)] TJ ET BT 332.975 431.881 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 412.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Those GPs who were well established in their communities with good networks seemed better equipped to provide wider help. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 400.572 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Others, particularly those new to areas or locums found it harder. One GP experienced difficulty working in a deprived area with )] TJ ET BT 26.250 388.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(a high refugee population with complex inter-related needs.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 369.262 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Personal/work demands)] TJ ET BT 26.250 349.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs talked about facing the dual challenge of personal and work demands, especially in the first few days after the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 337.953 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquakes. For many, this resulted in putting work first. However, one GP talked about the difficulty of putting her family first:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 318.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 318.548 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I was expected to go in, but I didntso yeah I did feel bad about it, but my husband was so upset that he said, I cant, you )] TJ ET BT 26.250 306.643 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(cant put your job before your family)] TJ ET BT 180.690 306.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 287.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The longer term demands, particularly working long hours, had an impact on personal relationships:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 267.834 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 267.834 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(she was resentful, resentful at how much time I spent at work)] TJ ET BT 293.400 267.834 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 248.429 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs talked about how work became an escape from personal concerns:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 229.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 229.024 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(home was more stressful than work for me)] TJ ET BT 213.177 229.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 209.619 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Coping behaviour)] TJ ET BT 26.250 190.215 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs were aware of the potential long term impact of this emotional exhaustion and ensured that they took care of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 178.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(themselves:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 158.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 158.905 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I knew I needed to recharge the batteries constantly)] TJ ET BT 253.327 158.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 139.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(However not all GPs were as proactive, only recognising the need for self-care in hindsight. A variety of coping behaviours were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 127.596 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(identified by the GPs including peer support, exercise, socialising and taking time out. These are detailed in the table below.)] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(3)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 133 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 134 0 R >> endobj 134 0 obj << /Length 26962 >> stream 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg q 15.000 28.126 577.500 748.874 re W n q 26.250 763.264 555.000 13.736 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 766.011 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Table 1. Types of coping behaviour reported by GPs, and frequency of endorsement)] TJ ET Q 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 26.250 517.649 555.000 238.115 re f 0.965 0.965 0.965 rg 27.000 742.734 327.509 12.280 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 754.639 327.884 0.750 re f 26.625 742.359 0.750 13.030 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.500 745.490 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Coping Behaviour)] TJ ET 0.965 0.965 0.965 rg 354.509 742.734 225.991 12.280 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.509 754.639 226.366 0.750 re f 580.125 742.359 0.750 13.030 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.009 745.490 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Number of GPs endorsing)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 742.359 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 732.504 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Getting away from Christchurch)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 742.359 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 580.125 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 732.504 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 676.837 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 666.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Informal peer / colleague support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 676.837 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 666.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 660.955 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 651.100 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Socialising with friends)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 660.955 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 651.100 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 645.074 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 635.219 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Work as an escape from personal difficulties)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 645.074 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 635.219 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(4)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 629.193 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 619.338 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Exercise)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 629.193 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 619.338 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 613.312 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 603.457 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Working part-time / reducing hours)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 613.312 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 603.457 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 597.430 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 587.575 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(TV / Games / Hobbies)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 597.430 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 587.575 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 581.549 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 571.694 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Personal faith / Church)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 581.549 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 571.694 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 565.668 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 555.813 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Community support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 565.668 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 555.813 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 549.787 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 539.932 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Formal peer support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 549.787 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 539.932 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 533.905 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 518.024 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 524.050 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Focusing on others)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 533.905 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 518.024 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 524.050 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1)] TJ ET BT 26.250 463.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Five of the GPs commented on the importance of getting away:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 443.721 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 443.721 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(you need to get away from it and you probably dont realise until you get away from it how stressful it is being here)] TJ ET BT 521.014 443.721 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 424.316 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 424.316 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it was amazing just totally switch off, totally relax and yeah the contrast as soon as I came back to Christchurch, like within 24 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 412.411 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(hours my stress levels were back up again)] TJ ET BT 209.940 412.411 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 393.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs commented that peer support was beneficial both informally within the practice )] TJ ET BT 400.153 393.006 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we actually met, had lunch together)] TJ ET BT 553.520 393.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 381.102 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(formally from the wider profession )] TJ ET BT 186.628 381.102 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(being able to mix with colleagues and talk about it)] TJ ET BT 401.235 381.102 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 361.697 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Physical activity was used by several GPs:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 342.292 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 342.292 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(managed to keep up exercise which is incredibly important)] TJ ET BT 282.012 342.292 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 322.887 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Socialising and keeping up existing networks was seen as important especially where, due to housing damage, people were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 310.983 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(living in temporary accommodation:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 291.578 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 291.578 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(go out for dinner, made sure I saw friends)] TJ ET BT 209.413 291.578 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 272.173 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 272.173 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(a network of friendships that we had with the church)] TJ ET BT 253.854 272.173 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 252.768 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Four GPs talked about how work became an escape from personal concerns:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 233.364 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(home was more stressful than work for me)] TJ ET BT 26.250 213.959 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One of the GPs who worked part-time felt that time away from the surgery helped them to recoup their energy and focus:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 194.554 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 194.554 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we all work part-time and that for most of us is to make sure we dont get burnt out)] TJ ET BT 383.900 194.554 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 175.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One GP had reduced his surgery hours so that he could better cope with the workload and avoid burnout.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 155.745 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Two of the GPs mentioned empathy exhaustion or compassion fatigue )] TJ ET BT 343.817 155.745 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(you are unable to sustain that level of empathy with )] TJ ET BT 26.250 143.840 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(people all of the time)] TJ ET BT 116.213 143.840 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( and time away was seen as beneficial to maintain compassion.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 124.435 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(None of the GPs indicated that they had sought any professional help with dealing with the additional stress though one )] TJ ET BT 26.250 112.530 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(suggested that it might have been helpful:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 93.126 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 93.126 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I didnt actually, probably again, certainly on reflection a case could have been made for that)] TJ ET BT 426.741 93.126 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 73.721 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Professional practice)] TJ ET BT 26.250 54.316 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Generally, the GPs commented on how the experience had changed their professional practice. Some of these changes were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 42.411 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(practical in nature, e.g. ensuring that everyone had each others contact details. Others focused on behaviour, with one GP )] TJ ET Q q 15.000 28.126 577.500 748.874 re W n q 26.250 763.264 555.000 13.736 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 766.011 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Table 1. Types of coping behaviour reported by GPs, and frequency of endorsement)] TJ ET Q 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 26.250 517.649 555.000 238.115 re f 0.965 0.965 0.965 rg 27.000 742.734 327.509 12.280 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 754.639 327.884 0.750 re f 26.625 742.359 0.750 13.030 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.500 745.490 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Coping Behaviour)] TJ ET 0.965 0.965 0.965 rg 354.509 742.734 225.991 12.280 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.509 754.639 226.366 0.750 re f 580.125 742.359 0.750 13.030 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.009 745.490 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Number of GPs endorsing)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 742.359 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 732.504 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Getting away from Christchurch)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 742.359 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 580.125 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 732.504 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 676.837 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 666.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Informal peer / colleague support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 676.837 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 666.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 660.955 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 651.100 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Socialising with friends)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 660.955 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 651.100 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 645.074 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 635.219 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Work as an escape from personal difficulties)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 645.074 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 635.219 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(4)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 629.193 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 619.338 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Exercise)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 629.193 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 619.338 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 613.312 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 603.457 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Working part-time / reducing hours)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 613.312 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 603.457 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 597.430 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 587.575 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(TV / Games / Hobbies)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 597.430 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 587.575 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 581.549 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 571.694 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Personal faith / Church)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 581.549 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 571.694 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 565.668 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 555.813 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Community support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 565.668 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 555.813 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 549.787 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 539.932 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Formal peer support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 549.787 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 539.932 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 533.905 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 518.024 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 524.050 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Focusing on others)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 533.905 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 518.024 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 524.050 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1)] TJ ET BT 26.250 463.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Five of the GPs commented on the importance of getting away:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 443.721 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 443.721 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(you need to get away from it and you probably dont realise until you get away from it how stressful it is being here)] TJ ET BT 521.014 443.721 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 424.316 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 424.316 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it was amazing just totally switch off, totally relax and yeah the contrast as soon as I came back to Christchurch, like within 24 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 412.411 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(hours my stress levels were back up again)] TJ ET BT 209.940 412.411 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 393.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs commented that peer support was beneficial both informally within the practice )] TJ ET BT 400.153 393.006 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we actually met, had lunch together)] TJ ET BT 553.520 393.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 381.102 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(formally from the wider profession )] TJ ET BT 186.628 381.102 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(being able to mix with colleagues and talk about it)] TJ ET BT 401.235 381.102 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 361.697 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Physical activity was used by several GPs:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 342.292 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 342.292 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(managed to keep up exercise which is incredibly important)] TJ ET BT 282.012 342.292 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 322.887 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Socialising and keeping up existing networks was seen as important especially where, due to housing damage, people were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 310.983 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(living in temporary accommodation:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 291.578 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 291.578 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(go out for dinner, made sure I saw friends)] TJ ET BT 209.413 291.578 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 272.173 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 272.173 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(a network of friendships that we had with the church)] TJ ET BT 253.854 272.173 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 252.768 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Four GPs talked about how work became an escape from personal concerns:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 233.364 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(home was more stressful than work for me)] TJ ET BT 26.250 213.959 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One of the GPs who worked part-time felt that time away from the surgery helped them to recoup their energy and focus:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 194.554 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 194.554 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we all work part-time and that for most of us is to make sure we dont get burnt out)] TJ ET BT 383.900 194.554 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 175.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One GP had reduced his surgery hours so that he could better cope with the workload and avoid burnout.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 155.745 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Two of the GPs mentioned empathy exhaustion or compassion fatigue )] TJ ET BT 343.817 155.745 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(you are unable to sustain that level of empathy with )] TJ ET BT 26.250 143.840 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(people all of the time)] TJ ET BT 116.213 143.840 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( and time away was seen as beneficial to maintain compassion.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 124.435 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(None of the GPs indicated that they had sought any professional help with dealing with the additional stress though one )] TJ ET BT 26.250 112.530 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(suggested that it might have been helpful:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 93.126 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 93.126 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I didnt actually, probably again, certainly on reflection a case could have been made for that)] TJ ET BT 426.741 93.126 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 73.721 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Professional practice)] TJ ET BT 26.250 54.316 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Generally, the GPs commented on how the experience had changed their professional practice. Some of these changes were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 42.411 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(practical in nature, e.g. ensuring that everyone had each others contact details. Others focused on behaviour, with one GP )] TJ ET Q q 15.000 28.126 577.500 748.874 re W n q 26.250 763.264 555.000 13.736 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 766.011 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Table 1. Types of coping behaviour reported by GPs, and frequency of endorsement)] TJ ET Q 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 26.250 517.649 555.000 238.115 re f 0.965 0.965 0.965 rg 27.000 742.734 327.509 12.280 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 754.639 327.884 0.750 re f 26.625 742.359 0.750 13.030 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.500 745.490 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Coping Behaviour)] TJ ET 0.965 0.965 0.965 rg 354.509 742.734 225.991 12.280 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.509 754.639 226.366 0.750 re f 580.125 742.359 0.750 13.030 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.009 745.490 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Number of GPs endorsing)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 742.359 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 732.504 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Getting away from Christchurch)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 742.359 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 580.125 676.837 0.750 66.272 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 732.504 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 676.837 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 666.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Informal peer / colleague support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 676.837 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 660.955 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 666.982 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 660.955 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 651.100 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Socialising with friends)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 660.955 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 645.074 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 651.100 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 645.074 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 635.219 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Work as an escape from personal difficulties)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 645.074 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 629.193 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 635.219 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(4)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 629.193 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 619.338 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Exercise)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 629.193 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 613.312 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 619.338 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 613.312 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 603.457 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Working part-time / reducing hours)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 613.312 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 597.430 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 603.457 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 597.430 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 587.575 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(TV / Games / Hobbies)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 597.430 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 581.549 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 587.575 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 581.549 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 571.694 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Personal faith / Church)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 581.549 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 565.668 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 571.694 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 565.668 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 555.813 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Community support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 565.668 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 549.787 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 555.813 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 549.787 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 539.932 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Formal peer support)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 549.787 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 533.905 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 539.932 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 533.905 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 518.024 328.259 0.750 re f 26.625 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 31.875 524.050 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Focusing on others)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 354.134 533.905 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 518.024 226.741 0.750 re f 354.134 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 580.125 518.024 0.750 16.631 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 359.384 524.050 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1)] TJ ET BT 26.250 463.125 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Five of the GPs commented on the importance of getting away:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 443.721 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 443.721 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(you need to get away from it and you probably dont realise until you get away from it how stressful it is being here)] TJ ET BT 521.014 443.721 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 424.316 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 424.316 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(it was amazing just totally switch off, totally relax and yeah the contrast as soon as I came back to Christchurch, like within 24 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 412.411 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(hours my stress levels were back up again)] TJ ET BT 209.940 412.411 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 393.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs commented that peer support was beneficial both informally within the practice )] TJ ET BT 400.153 393.006 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we actually met, had lunch together)] TJ ET BT 553.520 393.006 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 381.102 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(formally from the wider profession )] TJ ET BT 186.628 381.102 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(being able to mix with colleagues and talk about it)] TJ ET BT 401.235 381.102 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 361.697 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Physical activity was used by several GPs:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 342.292 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 342.292 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(managed to keep up exercise which is incredibly important)] TJ ET BT 282.012 342.292 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 322.887 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Socialising and keeping up existing networks was seen as important especially where, due to housing damage, people were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 310.983 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(living in temporary accommodation:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 291.578 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 291.578 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(go out for dinner, made sure I saw friends)] TJ ET BT 209.413 291.578 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 272.173 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 272.173 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(a network of friendships that we had with the church)] TJ ET BT 253.854 272.173 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 252.768 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Four GPs talked about how work became an escape from personal concerns:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 233.364 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(home was more stressful than work for me)] TJ ET BT 26.250 213.959 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One of the GPs who worked part-time felt that time away from the surgery helped them to recoup their energy and focus:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 194.554 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 194.554 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we all work part-time and that for most of us is to make sure we dont get burnt out)] TJ ET BT 383.900 194.554 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 175.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One GP had reduced his surgery hours so that he could better cope with the workload and avoid burnout.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 155.745 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Two of the GPs mentioned empathy exhaustion or compassion fatigue )] TJ ET BT 343.817 155.745 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(you are unable to sustain that level of empathy with )] TJ ET BT 26.250 143.840 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(people all of the time)] TJ ET BT 116.213 143.840 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( and time away was seen as beneficial to maintain compassion.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 124.435 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(None of the GPs indicated that they had sought any professional help with dealing with the additional stress though one )] TJ ET BT 26.250 112.530 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(suggested that it might have been helpful:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 93.126 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 93.126 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I didnt actually, probably again, certainly on reflection a case could have been made for that)] TJ ET BT 426.741 93.126 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 73.721 Td /F4 9.8 Tf [(Professional practice)] TJ ET BT 26.250 54.316 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Generally, the GPs commented on how the experience had changed their professional practice. Some of these changes were )] TJ ET BT 26.250 42.411 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(practical in nature, e.g. ensuring that everyone had each others contact details. Others focused on behaviour, with one GP )] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(4)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 135 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Annots [ 137 0 R 139 0 R 141 0 R ] /Contents 136 0 R >> endobj 136 0 obj << /Length 25483 >> stream 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg q 15.000 34.017 577.500 742.983 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(talking about the ease of communicating with patients:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 748.071 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(more empathicthere is a bit of a common bond when people go through similar experiences like that)] TJ ET BT 470.060 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 728.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A clear benefit to GPs was the ability to offer patients extended consultations to discuss concerns arising from the earthquakes )] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(as well as being able to refer patients to free counselling services:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 697.357 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we had counsellors here that we had sitting herejust having cups of tea with people and being available.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 677.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs commented on the support that they received both from Pegasus \(primary healthcare organisation\) such as water )] TJ ET BT 26.250 666.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(supplies and the District Health Board \(DHB\) in the form of information:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 646.643 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(the DHB were absolutely great in getting out information to us very quickly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 627.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One of the GPs also commented on how open patients had become, for example talking about drinking and smoking )] TJ ET BT 26.250 615.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(behaviours )] TJ ET BT 88.026 615.333 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I am just surprised at how frank people are and it really makes my job easier)] TJ ET BT 416.942 615.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 595.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The earthquakes raised issues about disaster preparedness, for example an inability to remain in contact with colleagues, and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 584.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(business continuity for the GP practices. However, GPs reported having more supplies in stock after the earthquakes and more )] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(comprehensive emergency plans in place)] TJ ET BT 205.611 572.119 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 535.517 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Discussion)] TJ ET BT 26.250 515.562 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In line with previous research, this study demonstrates that GPs played a major role in attending to the health and wider support )] TJ ET BT 26.250 503.658 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(needs of affected populations during and after the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-11.)] TJ ET q 26.250 480.040 555.000 13.736 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 482.788 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Table 2. Lessons Offered)] TJ ET Q 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 26.250 291.993 555.000 180.547 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 471.415 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 435.606 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 435.606 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 0.271 0.267 0.267 RG 45.962 464.859 m 45.962 465.306 45.779 465.750 45.463 466.066 c 45.147 466.382 44.703 466.565 44.256 466.565 c 43.810 466.565 43.366 466.382 43.050 466.066 c 42.734 465.750 42.550 465.306 42.550 464.859 c 42.550 464.413 42.734 463.969 43.050 463.653 c 43.366 463.337 43.810 463.153 44.256 463.153 c 44.703 463.153 45.147 463.337 45.463 463.653 c 45.779 463.969 45.962 464.413 45.962 464.859 c f BT 51.375 461.892 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs played a major role in attending to the health and wider support needs of affected populations during the )] TJ ET BT 524.513 461.892 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Canterbury )] TJ ET BT 51.375 449.987 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquake sequence, often working outside their area of accustomed expertise.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 435.606 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 399.796 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 399.796 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 429.050 m 45.962 429.496 45.779 429.940 45.463 430.256 c 45.147 430.572 44.703 430.756 44.256 430.756 c 43.810 430.756 43.366 430.572 43.050 430.256 c 42.734 429.940 42.550 429.496 42.550 429.050 c 42.550 428.603 42.734 428.159 43.050 427.843 c 43.366 427.527 43.810 427.343 44.256 427.343 c 44.703 427.343 45.147 427.527 45.463 427.843 c 45.779 428.159 45.962 428.603 45.962 429.050 c f BT 51.375 426.082 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(All GPs reported significantly increased workloads in the disaster response phase, and through into the recovery period, )] TJ ET BT 51.375 414.177 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(resulting in increased mental and physical fatigue.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 399.796 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 363.987 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 363.987 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 393.240 m 45.962 393.687 45.779 394.131 45.463 394.447 c 45.147 394.763 44.703 394.946 44.256 394.946 c 43.810 394.946 43.366 394.763 43.050 394.447 c 42.734 394.131 42.550 393.687 42.550 393.240 c 42.550 392.794 42.734 392.350 43.050 392.034 c 43.366 391.718 43.810 391.534 44.256 391.534 c 44.703 391.534 45.147 391.718 45.463 392.034 c 45.779 392.350 45.962 392.794 45.962 393.240 c f BT 51.375 390.273 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(There was a high level of awareness of the risk of compassion fatigue and burnout and a high need for self-care, but )] TJ ET BT 555.382 390.273 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(this )] TJ ET BT 51.375 378.368 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(was difficult to balance against increased community needs during the disaster.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 363.987 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 328.177 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 328.177 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 357.431 m 45.962 357.877 45.779 358.321 45.463 358.637 c 45.147 358.953 44.703 359.137 44.256 359.137 c 43.810 359.137 43.366 358.953 43.050 358.637 c 42.734 358.321 42.550 357.877 42.550 357.431 c 42.550 356.984 42.734 356.540 43.050 356.224 c 43.366 355.908 43.810 355.724 44.256 355.724 c 44.703 355.724 45.147 355.908 45.463 356.224 c 45.779 356.540 45.962 356.984 45.962 357.431 c f BT 51.375 354.463 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A number of effective coping strategies were reported, including time away from the affected disaster area, informal )] TJ ET BT 551.004 354.463 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(peer )] TJ ET BT 51.375 342.558 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and colleague support, and spending time with friends.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 328.177 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 292.368 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 292.368 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 292.368 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 321.621 m 45.962 322.068 45.779 322.512 45.463 322.828 c 45.147 323.144 44.703 323.327 44.256 323.327 c 43.810 323.327 43.366 323.144 43.050 322.828 c 42.734 322.512 42.550 322.068 42.550 321.621 c 42.550 321.175 42.734 320.731 43.050 320.415 c 43.366 320.099 43.810 319.915 44.256 319.915 c 44.703 319.915 45.147 320.099 45.463 320.415 c 45.779 320.731 45.962 321.175 45.962 321.621 c f BT 51.375 318.654 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(An identified gap concerning the coordination and provision of extra staff resource for affected practices \(e.g. locum )] TJ ET BT 51.375 306.749 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support\) may be exacerbated by reluctance on the part of GPs to ask for assistance.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 237.469 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The impact of the disaster manifested itself in different ways. For some, the effects were focused on the physical infrastructure )] TJ ET BT 26.250 225.564 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of the practice. For others, this affected the type and volume of workload that the practice experienced, and the staff available to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 213.660 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(deal with them. It is worth noting that GPs also commented on how their helping relationship with the community they served )] TJ ET BT 26.250 201.755 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(was not uni-directional. GPs talked about how community members helped them get their practices up and running again during )] TJ ET BT 26.250 189.850 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the first hours and days after the earthquakes.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 170.445 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Despite the challenges it was clear that GPs were committed to helping their patients to the best of their abilities. While )] TJ ET BT 26.250 158.541 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(attempting to provide health services to their affected communities, GPs reflected that they experienced significant mental and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 146.636 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(physical fatigue. This speaks to the issue identified previously)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 291.781 148.143 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(10)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 301.419 146.636 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( ; even though they were affected, GPs may feel a responsibility )] TJ ET BT 26.250 134.731 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(to provide stable, responsible and helpful leadership post-disaster.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 34.017 577.500 742.983 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(talking about the ease of communicating with patients:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 748.071 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(more empathicthere is a bit of a common bond when people go through similar experiences like that)] TJ ET BT 470.060 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 728.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A clear benefit to GPs was the ability to offer patients extended consultations to discuss concerns arising from the earthquakes )] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(as well as being able to refer patients to free counselling services:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 697.357 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we had counsellors here that we had sitting herejust having cups of tea with people and being available.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 677.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs commented on the support that they received both from Pegasus \(primary healthcare organisation\) such as water )] TJ ET BT 26.250 666.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(supplies and the District Health Board \(DHB\) in the form of information:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 646.643 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(the DHB were absolutely great in getting out information to us very quickly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 627.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One of the GPs also commented on how open patients had become, for example talking about drinking and smoking )] TJ ET BT 26.250 615.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(behaviours )] TJ ET BT 88.026 615.333 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I am just surprised at how frank people are and it really makes my job easier)] TJ ET BT 416.942 615.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 595.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The earthquakes raised issues about disaster preparedness, for example an inability to remain in contact with colleagues, and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 584.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(business continuity for the GP practices. However, GPs reported having more supplies in stock after the earthquakes and more )] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(comprehensive emergency plans in place)] TJ ET BT 205.611 572.119 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 535.517 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Discussion)] TJ ET BT 26.250 515.562 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In line with previous research, this study demonstrates that GPs played a major role in attending to the health and wider support )] TJ ET BT 26.250 503.658 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(needs of affected populations during and after the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-11.)] TJ ET q 26.250 480.040 555.000 13.736 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 482.788 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Table 2. Lessons Offered)] TJ ET Q 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 26.250 291.993 555.000 180.547 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 471.415 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 435.606 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 435.606 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 0.271 0.267 0.267 RG 45.962 464.859 m 45.962 465.306 45.779 465.750 45.463 466.066 c 45.147 466.382 44.703 466.565 44.256 466.565 c 43.810 466.565 43.366 466.382 43.050 466.066 c 42.734 465.750 42.550 465.306 42.550 464.859 c 42.550 464.413 42.734 463.969 43.050 463.653 c 43.366 463.337 43.810 463.153 44.256 463.153 c 44.703 463.153 45.147 463.337 45.463 463.653 c 45.779 463.969 45.962 464.413 45.962 464.859 c f BT 51.375 461.892 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs played a major role in attending to the health and wider support needs of affected populations during the )] TJ ET BT 524.513 461.892 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Canterbury )] TJ ET BT 51.375 449.987 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquake sequence, often working outside their area of accustomed expertise.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 435.606 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 399.796 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 399.796 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 429.050 m 45.962 429.496 45.779 429.940 45.463 430.256 c 45.147 430.572 44.703 430.756 44.256 430.756 c 43.810 430.756 43.366 430.572 43.050 430.256 c 42.734 429.940 42.550 429.496 42.550 429.050 c 42.550 428.603 42.734 428.159 43.050 427.843 c 43.366 427.527 43.810 427.343 44.256 427.343 c 44.703 427.343 45.147 427.527 45.463 427.843 c 45.779 428.159 45.962 428.603 45.962 429.050 c f BT 51.375 426.082 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(All GPs reported significantly increased workloads in the disaster response phase, and through into the recovery period, )] TJ ET BT 51.375 414.177 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(resulting in increased mental and physical fatigue.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 399.796 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 363.987 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 363.987 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 393.240 m 45.962 393.687 45.779 394.131 45.463 394.447 c 45.147 394.763 44.703 394.946 44.256 394.946 c 43.810 394.946 43.366 394.763 43.050 394.447 c 42.734 394.131 42.550 393.687 42.550 393.240 c 42.550 392.794 42.734 392.350 43.050 392.034 c 43.366 391.718 43.810 391.534 44.256 391.534 c 44.703 391.534 45.147 391.718 45.463 392.034 c 45.779 392.350 45.962 392.794 45.962 393.240 c f BT 51.375 390.273 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(There was a high level of awareness of the risk of compassion fatigue and burnout and a high need for self-care, but )] TJ ET BT 555.382 390.273 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(this )] TJ ET BT 51.375 378.368 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(was difficult to balance against increased community needs during the disaster.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 363.987 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 328.177 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 328.177 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 357.431 m 45.962 357.877 45.779 358.321 45.463 358.637 c 45.147 358.953 44.703 359.137 44.256 359.137 c 43.810 359.137 43.366 358.953 43.050 358.637 c 42.734 358.321 42.550 357.877 42.550 357.431 c 42.550 356.984 42.734 356.540 43.050 356.224 c 43.366 355.908 43.810 355.724 44.256 355.724 c 44.703 355.724 45.147 355.908 45.463 356.224 c 45.779 356.540 45.962 356.984 45.962 357.431 c f BT 51.375 354.463 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A number of effective coping strategies were reported, including time away from the affected disaster area, informal )] TJ ET BT 551.004 354.463 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(peer )] TJ ET BT 51.375 342.558 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and colleague support, and spending time with friends.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 328.177 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 292.368 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 292.368 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 292.368 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 321.621 m 45.962 322.068 45.779 322.512 45.463 322.828 c 45.147 323.144 44.703 323.327 44.256 323.327 c 43.810 323.327 43.366 323.144 43.050 322.828 c 42.734 322.512 42.550 322.068 42.550 321.621 c 42.550 321.175 42.734 320.731 43.050 320.415 c 43.366 320.099 43.810 319.915 44.256 319.915 c 44.703 319.915 45.147 320.099 45.463 320.415 c 45.779 320.731 45.962 321.175 45.962 321.621 c f BT 51.375 318.654 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(An identified gap concerning the coordination and provision of extra staff resource for affected practices \(e.g. locum )] TJ ET BT 51.375 306.749 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support\) may be exacerbated by reluctance on the part of GPs to ask for assistance.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 237.469 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The impact of the disaster manifested itself in different ways. For some, the effects were focused on the physical infrastructure )] TJ ET BT 26.250 225.564 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of the practice. For others, this affected the type and volume of workload that the practice experienced, and the staff available to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 213.660 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(deal with them. It is worth noting that GPs also commented on how their helping relationship with the community they served )] TJ ET BT 26.250 201.755 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(was not uni-directional. GPs talked about how community members helped them get their practices up and running again during )] TJ ET BT 26.250 189.850 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the first hours and days after the earthquakes.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 170.445 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Despite the challenges it was clear that GPs were committed to helping their patients to the best of their abilities. While )] TJ ET BT 26.250 158.541 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(attempting to provide health services to their affected communities, GPs reflected that they experienced significant mental and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 146.636 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(physical fatigue. This speaks to the issue identified previously)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 291.781 148.143 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(10)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 301.419 146.636 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( ; even though they were affected, GPs may feel a responsibility )] TJ ET BT 26.250 134.731 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(to provide stable, responsible and helpful leadership post-disaster.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 34.017 577.500 742.983 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(talking about the ease of communicating with patients:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 29.497 748.071 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(more empathicthere is a bit of a common bond when people go through similar experiences like that)] TJ ET BT 470.060 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 728.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A clear benefit to GPs was the ability to offer patients extended consultations to discuss concerns arising from the earthquakes )] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(as well as being able to refer patients to free counselling services:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 697.357 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(we had counsellors here that we had sitting herejust having cups of tea with people and being available.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 677.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The GPs commented on the support that they received both from Pegasus \(primary healthcare organisation\) such as water )] TJ ET BT 26.250 666.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(supplies and the District Health Board \(DHB\) in the form of information:)] TJ ET BT 26.250 646.643 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(the DHB were absolutely great in getting out information to us very quickly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 627.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(One of the GPs also commented on how open patients had become, for example talking about drinking and smoking )] TJ ET BT 26.250 615.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(behaviours )] TJ ET BT 88.026 615.333 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(I am just surprised at how frank people are and it really makes my job easier)] TJ ET BT 416.942 615.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 595.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The earthquakes raised issues about disaster preparedness, for example an inability to remain in contact with colleagues, and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 584.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(business continuity for the GP practices. However, GPs reported having more supplies in stock after the earthquakes and more )] TJ ET BT 26.250 572.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(comprehensive emergency plans in place)] TJ ET BT 205.611 572.119 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 535.517 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Discussion)] TJ ET BT 26.250 515.562 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In line with previous research, this study demonstrates that GPs played a major role in attending to the health and wider support )] TJ ET BT 26.250 503.658 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(needs of affected populations during and after the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-11.)] TJ ET q 26.250 480.040 555.000 13.736 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 482.788 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Table 2. Lessons Offered)] TJ ET Q 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 26.250 291.993 555.000 180.547 re f 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 471.415 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 435.606 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 435.606 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 0.271 0.267 0.267 RG 45.962 464.859 m 45.962 465.306 45.779 465.750 45.463 466.066 c 45.147 466.382 44.703 466.565 44.256 466.565 c 43.810 466.565 43.366 466.382 43.050 466.066 c 42.734 465.750 42.550 465.306 42.550 464.859 c 42.550 464.413 42.734 463.969 43.050 463.653 c 43.366 463.337 43.810 463.153 44.256 463.153 c 44.703 463.153 45.147 463.337 45.463 463.653 c 45.779 463.969 45.962 464.413 45.962 464.859 c f BT 51.375 461.892 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs played a major role in attending to the health and wider support needs of affected populations during the )] TJ ET BT 524.513 461.892 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Canterbury )] TJ ET BT 51.375 449.987 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(earthquake sequence, often working outside their area of accustomed expertise.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 435.606 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 399.796 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 399.796 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 429.050 m 45.962 429.496 45.779 429.940 45.463 430.256 c 45.147 430.572 44.703 430.756 44.256 430.756 c 43.810 430.756 43.366 430.572 43.050 430.256 c 42.734 429.940 42.550 429.496 42.550 429.050 c 42.550 428.603 42.734 428.159 43.050 427.843 c 43.366 427.527 43.810 427.343 44.256 427.343 c 44.703 427.343 45.147 427.527 45.463 427.843 c 45.779 428.159 45.962 428.603 45.962 429.050 c f BT 51.375 426.082 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(All GPs reported significantly increased workloads in the disaster response phase, and through into the recovery period, )] TJ ET BT 51.375 414.177 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(resulting in increased mental and physical fatigue.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 399.796 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 363.987 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 363.987 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 393.240 m 45.962 393.687 45.779 394.131 45.463 394.447 c 45.147 394.763 44.703 394.946 44.256 394.946 c 43.810 394.946 43.366 394.763 43.050 394.447 c 42.734 394.131 42.550 393.687 42.550 393.240 c 42.550 392.794 42.734 392.350 43.050 392.034 c 43.366 391.718 43.810 391.534 44.256 391.534 c 44.703 391.534 45.147 391.718 45.463 392.034 c 45.779 392.350 45.962 392.794 45.962 393.240 c f BT 51.375 390.273 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(There was a high level of awareness of the risk of compassion fatigue and burnout and a high need for self-care, but )] TJ ET BT 555.382 390.273 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(this )] TJ ET BT 51.375 378.368 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(was difficult to balance against increased community needs during the disaster.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 363.987 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 328.177 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 328.177 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 357.431 m 45.962 357.877 45.779 358.321 45.463 358.637 c 45.147 358.953 44.703 359.137 44.256 359.137 c 43.810 359.137 43.366 358.953 43.050 358.637 c 42.734 358.321 42.550 357.877 42.550 357.431 c 42.550 356.984 42.734 356.540 43.050 356.224 c 43.366 355.908 43.810 355.724 44.256 355.724 c 44.703 355.724 45.147 355.908 45.463 356.224 c 45.779 356.540 45.962 356.984 45.962 357.431 c f BT 51.375 354.463 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A number of effective coping strategies were reported, including time away from the affected disaster area, informal )] TJ ET BT 551.004 354.463 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(peer )] TJ ET BT 51.375 342.558 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and colleague support, and spending time with friends.)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg 26.625 328.177 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 292.368 554.250 0.750 re f 26.625 292.368 0.750 36.559 re f 580.125 292.368 0.750 36.559 re f 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 45.962 321.621 m 45.962 322.068 45.779 322.512 45.463 322.828 c 45.147 323.144 44.703 323.327 44.256 323.327 c 43.810 323.327 43.366 323.144 43.050 322.828 c 42.734 322.512 42.550 322.068 42.550 321.621 c 42.550 321.175 42.734 320.731 43.050 320.415 c 43.366 320.099 43.810 319.915 44.256 319.915 c 44.703 319.915 45.147 320.099 45.463 320.415 c 45.779 320.731 45.962 321.175 45.962 321.621 c f BT 51.375 318.654 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(An identified gap concerning the coordination and provision of extra staff resource for affected practices \(e.g. locum )] TJ ET BT 51.375 306.749 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support\) may be exacerbated by reluctance on the part of GPs to ask for assistance.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 237.469 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The impact of the disaster manifested itself in different ways. For some, the effects were focused on the physical infrastructure )] TJ ET BT 26.250 225.564 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of the practice. For others, this affected the type and volume of workload that the practice experienced, and the staff available to )] TJ ET BT 26.250 213.660 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(deal with them. It is worth noting that GPs also commented on how their helping relationship with the community they served )] TJ ET BT 26.250 201.755 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(was not uni-directional. GPs talked about how community members helped them get their practices up and running again during )] TJ ET BT 26.250 189.850 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the first hours and days after the earthquakes.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 170.445 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Despite the challenges it was clear that GPs were committed to helping their patients to the best of their abilities. While )] TJ ET BT 26.250 158.541 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(attempting to provide health services to their affected communities, GPs reflected that they experienced significant mental and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 146.636 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(physical fatigue. This speaks to the issue identified previously)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 291.781 148.143 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(10)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 301.419 146.636 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( ; even though they were affected, GPs may feel a responsibility )] TJ ET BT 26.250 134.731 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(to provide stable, responsible and helpful leadership post-disaster.)] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(5)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 137 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 138 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 291.7815 147.3414 301.4188 156.1597 ] >> endobj 138 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 139 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 140 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 291.7815 147.3414 301.4188 156.1597 ] >> endobj 140 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 141 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 142 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 291.7815 147.3414 301.4188 156.1597 ] >> endobj 142 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 143 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Annots [ 145 0 R 147 0 R 149 0 R 151 0 R 153 0 R 155 0 R 157 0 R 159 0 R 161 0 R 163 0 R 165 0 R 167 0 R ] /Contents 144 0 R >> endobj 144 0 obj << /Length 26203 >> stream 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg 0.271 0.267 0.267 RG q 15.000 32.458 577.500 744.542 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The recent patient experience report in New Zealand)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 253.854 768.983 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(12)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 263.491 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( showed that 84 per cent of adults surveyed expressed confidence and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 755.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(trust in their GP. Although this is advantageous in terms of building and maintaining the doctor-patient relationship, especially in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 743.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(times of great strain and community uncertainty, it also perhaps places an additional burden on GPs in a disaster. The )] TJ ET BT 26.250 731.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(confidence and trust that patients had in their doctors and their shared experience through the earthquakes may help to explain )] TJ ET BT 26.250 719.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the increased openness described by some of the GPs regarding patient health-related behaviours. Although this frankness is )] TJ ET BT 26.250 707.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(to be encouraged, care needs to be taken to ensure that GPs have the knowledge and referral pathways available to them if )] TJ ET BT 26.250 696.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(they perceive that short-term coping behaviours risk turning into potential health hazards.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 676.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs also talked about threats to their income through employment displacement, and the consequent disruption and uncertainty )] TJ ET BT 26.250 664.738 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(in other aspects of their lives that this brings. Furthermore, some GPs talked about dilemmas where the careful negotiated )] TJ ET BT 26.250 652.833 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(balance between personal and professional life was highlighted for them. Some GPs found the structure and role of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 640.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(professional role less stressful than their personal lives. However, immersement in their professional role may come at some )] TJ ET BT 26.250 629.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(personal cost as the recovery draws on.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 609.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In guarding against the risks of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, it is important that GPs have good awareness of self-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 597.714 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care and practices approporiate to sustain themselves through a disaster. GPs showed an appreciation of how they may be )] TJ ET BT 26.250 585.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(personally affected by the earthquakes, although this was talked about when reflecting on their experiences rather than at the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 573.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(time they were going through the response and early-recovery period. One account focusing on disaster recovery leadership )] TJ ET BT 26.250 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and leaders)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 77.194 563.507 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(13)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 86.831 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( states that, )] TJ ET BT 143.196 562.000 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(they can face burn out at the same time the needs of the community are at their peak )] TJ ET BT 516.055 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(\(p.30\). The )] TJ ET BT 26.250 550.095 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs have a leadership role within their communities and as such it is important that they, )] TJ ET BT 415.324 550.095 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(have a self-care plan that outlines )] TJ ET BT 26.250 538.191 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(routines and activities that support health, relationships and allots time for pleasure and leisure)] TJ ET BT 433.771 538.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( \(McNaughton, 2013, p.31\))] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 552.994 539.698 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(13)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 562.631 538.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . )] TJ ET BT 26.250 526.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs had consciously identified a need for self-care whereas others identified beneficial behaviours only in hindsight. Peer )] TJ ET BT 26.250 514.381 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support was identified as helpful, as well as physical activity and connecting with broader social networks. GPs also identified )] TJ ET BT 26.250 502.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(other strategies of being able to manage their exposure to high and/or intense workloads, either through physically getting away )] TJ ET BT 26.250 490.572 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(for a break or moving to a part-time working structure.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 471.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(It is worth noting that no GPs mentioned that they had sought any professional support, though one GP reflected that they )] TJ ET BT 26.250 459.262 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(perhaps needed it. It seems important not to assume that no requests for professional support means that it is not required. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 447.357 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Considerable stigma still exists regarding help-seeking for mental health impacts after disasters, and GPs are likely to be as )] TJ ET BT 26.250 435.453 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(affected as other groups \(Figley, 1995; Spinhoven & Verschuur, 2006: North )] TJ ET BT 357.380 435.453 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(et al)] TJ ET BT 375.807 435.453 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, 2002; Somers, Drinkwater & Torcello, 1997\).)] TJ ET BT 26.250 416.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Large scale natural disasters can pose serious challenges for business continuity and operations of existing health care )] TJ ET BT 26.250 404.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(providers and systems, such as loss of staff)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 214.825 405.650 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(14)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 224.462 404.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Although some GPs in our study described how their practices had been )] TJ ET BT 26.250 392.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(affected such that they found themselves working in locum positions, other GPs talked about increased workloads but a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 380.334 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(reluctance to ask for help. Indeed, these GPs talked about how other practices perhaps needed support more than they did.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 360.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(There appears to be a possible gap concerning a regionally coordinated process for identifying hotspots of GP patient demand, )] TJ ET BT 26.250 349.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and the deployment of adequate resources to meet this demand, e.g. locum support. This may partly be due to the reluctance of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 337.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs to step forward to say that they may be struggling to meet demand. However, there also appears to be a wide-scale )] TJ ET BT 26.250 325.215 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(increase in service demand due to secondary stressors such as insurance issues that puts pressure on existing services )] TJ ET BT 26.250 313.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(requiring an enhanced response or surge capacity.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 293.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A GP working as a locum in an unfamiliar location may not know enough about local resources or services that might be )] TJ ET BT 26.250 282.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(available for their patients. Additionally, some GPs talked about their struggle to identify the pathway to facilitating financial aid )] TJ ET BT 26.250 270.096 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(for patients. In both cases, GPs often found themselves working outside their area of accustomed expertise not unusual for a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 258.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GP. Nevertheless, it may be wise to be forewarned of such possible extra demands in a post-disaster situation and to prepare )] TJ ET BT 26.250 246.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(accordingly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 209.684 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Acknowledgements)] TJ ET BT 26.250 189.729 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the participants who gave their time and shared their experiences for this )] TJ ET BT 26.250 177.825 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(research.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 148.722 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(References)] TJ ET BT 26.250 121.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 121.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Ronan, K.R., & Johnston, D.M. \(2005\). Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters: The Role for Schools, Youth and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 109.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Families. Springer, New York.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 89.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 89.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Watson, P.J., Friedman, M.J., Gibson, L.E., Ruzek, J.I., Norris, F. H. & Ritchie, E. C. \(2003\). Early intervention for trauma-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 78.054 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(related problems. In R.J. Ursano & A.E. Norwood, \(Eds.\), Trauma and disaster: responses and management. Washington, DC: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 66.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(American Psychiatric Publishing.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 46.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 46.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Norris FH, Friedman MJ, Watson PJ, Byrne CM, Diaz E, Kaniasty K. 60,000 disaster victims speak: Part I. An empirical )] TJ ET Q q 15.000 32.458 577.500 744.542 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The recent patient experience report in New Zealand)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 253.854 768.983 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(12)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 263.491 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( showed that 84 per cent of adults surveyed expressed confidence and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 755.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(trust in their GP. Although this is advantageous in terms of building and maintaining the doctor-patient relationship, especially in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 743.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(times of great strain and community uncertainty, it also perhaps places an additional burden on GPs in a disaster. The )] TJ ET BT 26.250 731.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(confidence and trust that patients had in their doctors and their shared experience through the earthquakes may help to explain )] TJ ET BT 26.250 719.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the increased openness described by some of the GPs regarding patient health-related behaviours. Although this frankness is )] TJ ET BT 26.250 707.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(to be encouraged, care needs to be taken to ensure that GPs have the knowledge and referral pathways available to them if )] TJ ET BT 26.250 696.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(they perceive that short-term coping behaviours risk turning into potential health hazards.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 676.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs also talked about threats to their income through employment displacement, and the consequent disruption and uncertainty )] TJ ET BT 26.250 664.738 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(in other aspects of their lives that this brings. Furthermore, some GPs talked about dilemmas where the careful negotiated )] TJ ET BT 26.250 652.833 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(balance between personal and professional life was highlighted for them. Some GPs found the structure and role of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 640.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(professional role less stressful than their personal lives. However, immersement in their professional role may come at some )] TJ ET BT 26.250 629.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(personal cost as the recovery draws on.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 609.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In guarding against the risks of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, it is important that GPs have good awareness of self-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 597.714 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care and practices approporiate to sustain themselves through a disaster. GPs showed an appreciation of how they may be )] TJ ET BT 26.250 585.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(personally affected by the earthquakes, although this was talked about when reflecting on their experiences rather than at the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 573.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(time they were going through the response and early-recovery period. One account focusing on disaster recovery leadership )] TJ ET BT 26.250 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and leaders)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 77.194 563.507 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(13)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 86.831 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( states that, )] TJ ET BT 143.196 562.000 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(they can face burn out at the same time the needs of the community are at their peak )] TJ ET BT 516.055 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(\(p.30\). The )] TJ ET BT 26.250 550.095 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs have a leadership role within their communities and as such it is important that they, )] TJ ET BT 415.324 550.095 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(have a self-care plan that outlines )] TJ ET BT 26.250 538.191 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(routines and activities that support health, relationships and allots time for pleasure and leisure)] TJ ET BT 433.771 538.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( \(McNaughton, 2013, p.31\))] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 552.994 539.698 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(13)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 562.631 538.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . )] TJ ET BT 26.250 526.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs had consciously identified a need for self-care whereas others identified beneficial behaviours only in hindsight. Peer )] TJ ET BT 26.250 514.381 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support was identified as helpful, as well as physical activity and connecting with broader social networks. GPs also identified )] TJ ET BT 26.250 502.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(other strategies of being able to manage their exposure to high and/or intense workloads, either through physically getting away )] TJ ET BT 26.250 490.572 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(for a break or moving to a part-time working structure.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 471.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(It is worth noting that no GPs mentioned that they had sought any professional support, though one GP reflected that they )] TJ ET BT 26.250 459.262 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(perhaps needed it. It seems important not to assume that no requests for professional support means that it is not required. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 447.357 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Considerable stigma still exists regarding help-seeking for mental health impacts after disasters, and GPs are likely to be as )] TJ ET BT 26.250 435.453 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(affected as other groups \(Figley, 1995; Spinhoven & Verschuur, 2006: North )] TJ ET BT 357.380 435.453 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(et al)] TJ ET BT 375.807 435.453 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, 2002; Somers, Drinkwater & Torcello, 1997\).)] TJ ET BT 26.250 416.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Large scale natural disasters can pose serious challenges for business continuity and operations of existing health care )] TJ ET BT 26.250 404.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(providers and systems, such as loss of staff)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 214.825 405.650 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(14)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 224.462 404.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Although some GPs in our study described how their practices had been )] TJ ET BT 26.250 392.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(affected such that they found themselves working in locum positions, other GPs talked about increased workloads but a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 380.334 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(reluctance to ask for help. Indeed, these GPs talked about how other practices perhaps needed support more than they did.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 360.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(There appears to be a possible gap concerning a regionally coordinated process for identifying hotspots of GP patient demand, )] TJ ET BT 26.250 349.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and the deployment of adequate resources to meet this demand, e.g. locum support. This may partly be due to the reluctance of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 337.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs to step forward to say that they may be struggling to meet demand. However, there also appears to be a wide-scale )] TJ ET BT 26.250 325.215 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(increase in service demand due to secondary stressors such as insurance issues that puts pressure on existing services )] TJ ET BT 26.250 313.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(requiring an enhanced response or surge capacity.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 293.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A GP working as a locum in an unfamiliar location may not know enough about local resources or services that might be )] TJ ET BT 26.250 282.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(available for their patients. Additionally, some GPs talked about their struggle to identify the pathway to facilitating financial aid )] TJ ET BT 26.250 270.096 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(for patients. In both cases, GPs often found themselves working outside their area of accustomed expertise not unusual for a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 258.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GP. Nevertheless, it may be wise to be forewarned of such possible extra demands in a post-disaster situation and to prepare )] TJ ET BT 26.250 246.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(accordingly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 209.684 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Acknowledgements)] TJ ET BT 26.250 189.729 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the participants who gave their time and shared their experiences for this )] TJ ET BT 26.250 177.825 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(research.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 148.722 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(References)] TJ ET BT 26.250 121.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 121.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Ronan, K.R., & Johnston, D.M. \(2005\). Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters: The Role for Schools, Youth and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 109.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Families. Springer, New York.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 89.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 89.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Watson, P.J., Friedman, M.J., Gibson, L.E., Ruzek, J.I., Norris, F. H. & Ritchie, E. C. \(2003\). Early intervention for trauma-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 78.054 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(related problems. In R.J. Ursano & A.E. Norwood, \(Eds.\), Trauma and disaster: responses and management. Washington, DC: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 66.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(American Psychiatric Publishing.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 46.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 46.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Norris FH, Friedman MJ, Watson PJ, Byrne CM, Diaz E, Kaniasty K. 60,000 disaster victims speak: Part I. An empirical )] TJ ET Q q 15.000 32.458 577.500 744.542 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The recent patient experience report in New Zealand)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 253.854 768.983 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(12)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 263.491 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( showed that 84 per cent of adults surveyed expressed confidence and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 755.571 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(trust in their GP. Although this is advantageous in terms of building and maintaining the doctor-patient relationship, especially in )] TJ ET BT 26.250 743.667 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(times of great strain and community uncertainty, it also perhaps places an additional burden on GPs in a disaster. The )] TJ ET BT 26.250 731.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(confidence and trust that patients had in their doctors and their shared experience through the earthquakes may help to explain )] TJ ET BT 26.250 719.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(the increased openness described by some of the GPs regarding patient health-related behaviours. Although this frankness is )] TJ ET BT 26.250 707.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(to be encouraged, care needs to be taken to ensure that GPs have the knowledge and referral pathways available to them if )] TJ ET BT 26.250 696.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(they perceive that short-term coping behaviours risk turning into potential health hazards.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 676.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs also talked about threats to their income through employment displacement, and the consequent disruption and uncertainty )] TJ ET BT 26.250 664.738 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(in other aspects of their lives that this brings. Furthermore, some GPs talked about dilemmas where the careful negotiated )] TJ ET BT 26.250 652.833 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(balance between personal and professional life was highlighted for them. Some GPs found the structure and role of the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 640.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(professional role less stressful than their personal lives. However, immersement in their professional role may come at some )] TJ ET BT 26.250 629.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(personal cost as the recovery draws on.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 609.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(In guarding against the risks of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, it is important that GPs have good awareness of self-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 597.714 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(care and practices approporiate to sustain themselves through a disaster. GPs showed an appreciation of how they may be )] TJ ET BT 26.250 585.810 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(personally affected by the earthquakes, although this was talked about when reflecting on their experiences rather than at the )] TJ ET BT 26.250 573.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(time they were going through the response and early-recovery period. One account focusing on disaster recovery leadership )] TJ ET BT 26.250 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and leaders)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 77.194 563.507 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(13)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 86.831 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( states that, )] TJ ET BT 143.196 562.000 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(they can face burn out at the same time the needs of the community are at their peak )] TJ ET BT 516.055 562.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(\(p.30\). The )] TJ ET BT 26.250 550.095 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs have a leadership role within their communities and as such it is important that they, )] TJ ET BT 415.324 550.095 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(have a self-care plan that outlines )] TJ ET BT 26.250 538.191 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(routines and activities that support health, relationships and allots time for pleasure and leisure)] TJ ET BT 433.771 538.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( \(McNaughton, 2013, p.31\))] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 552.994 539.698 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(13)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 562.631 538.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . )] TJ ET BT 26.250 526.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Some GPs had consciously identified a need for self-care whereas others identified beneficial behaviours only in hindsight. Peer )] TJ ET BT 26.250 514.381 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(support was identified as helpful, as well as physical activity and connecting with broader social networks. GPs also identified )] TJ ET BT 26.250 502.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(other strategies of being able to manage their exposure to high and/or intense workloads, either through physically getting away )] TJ ET BT 26.250 490.572 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(for a break or moving to a part-time working structure.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 471.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(It is worth noting that no GPs mentioned that they had sought any professional support, though one GP reflected that they )] TJ ET BT 26.250 459.262 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(perhaps needed it. It seems important not to assume that no requests for professional support means that it is not required. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 447.357 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Considerable stigma still exists regarding help-seeking for mental health impacts after disasters, and GPs are likely to be as )] TJ ET BT 26.250 435.453 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(affected as other groups \(Figley, 1995; Spinhoven & Verschuur, 2006: North )] TJ ET BT 357.380 435.453 Td /F5 9.8 Tf [(et al)] TJ ET BT 375.807 435.453 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(, 2002; Somers, Drinkwater & Torcello, 1997\).)] TJ ET BT 26.250 416.048 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Large scale natural disasters can pose serious challenges for business continuity and operations of existing health care )] TJ ET BT 26.250 404.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(providers and systems, such as loss of staff)] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 214.825 405.650 Td /F4 8.7 Tf [(14)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 224.462 404.143 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [( . Although some GPs in our study described how their practices had been )] TJ ET BT 26.250 392.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(affected such that they found themselves working in locum positions, other GPs talked about increased workloads but a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 380.334 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(reluctance to ask for help. Indeed, these GPs talked about how other practices perhaps needed support more than they did.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 360.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(There appears to be a possible gap concerning a regionally coordinated process for identifying hotspots of GP patient demand, )] TJ ET BT 26.250 349.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(and the deployment of adequate resources to meet this demand, e.g. locum support. This may partly be due to the reluctance of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 337.119 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GPs to step forward to say that they may be struggling to meet demand. However, there also appears to be a wide-scale )] TJ ET BT 26.250 325.215 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(increase in service demand due to secondary stressors such as insurance issues that puts pressure on existing services )] TJ ET BT 26.250 313.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(requiring an enhanced response or surge capacity.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 293.905 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(A GP working as a locum in an unfamiliar location may not know enough about local resources or services that might be )] TJ ET BT 26.250 282.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(available for their patients. Additionally, some GPs talked about their struggle to identify the pathway to facilitating financial aid )] TJ ET BT 26.250 270.096 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(for patients. In both cases, GPs often found themselves working outside their area of accustomed expertise not unusual for a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 258.191 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(GP. Nevertheless, it may be wise to be forewarned of such possible extra demands in a post-disaster situation and to prepare )] TJ ET BT 26.250 246.286 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(accordingly.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 209.684 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(Acknowledgements)] TJ ET BT 26.250 189.729 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the participants who gave their time and shared their experiences for this )] TJ ET BT 26.250 177.825 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(research.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 148.722 Td /F4 12.0 Tf [(References)] TJ ET BT 26.250 121.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(1.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 121.268 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Ronan, K.R., & Johnston, D.M. \(2005\). Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters: The Role for Schools, Youth and )] TJ ET BT 26.250 109.363 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Families. Springer, New York.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 89.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 89.958 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Watson, P.J., Friedman, M.J., Gibson, L.E., Ruzek, J.I., Norris, F. H. & Ritchie, E. C. \(2003\). Early intervention for trauma-)] TJ ET BT 26.250 78.054 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(related problems. In R.J. Ursano & A.E. Norwood, \(Eds.\), Trauma and disaster: responses and management. Washington, DC: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 66.149 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(American Psychiatric Publishing.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 46.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(3.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 46.744 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Norris FH, Friedman MJ, Watson PJ, Byrne CM, Diaz E, Kaniasty K. 60,000 disaster victims speak: Part I. An empirical )] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(6)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 145 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 146 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 253.8540 768.1817 263.4913 777.0000 ] >> endobj 146 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 147 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 148 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 77.1937 562.7057 86.8311 571.5240 ] >> endobj 148 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 149 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 150 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 552.9937 538.8962 562.6311 547.7145 ] >> endobj 150 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 151 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 152 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 214.8247 404.8487 224.4621 413.6670 ] >> endobj 152 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 153 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 154 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 253.8540 768.1817 263.4913 777.0000 ] >> endobj 154 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 155 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 156 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 77.1937 562.7057 86.8311 571.5240 ] >> endobj 156 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 157 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 158 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 552.9937 538.8962 562.6311 547.7145 ] >> endobj 158 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 159 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 160 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 214.8247 404.8487 224.4621 413.6670 ] >> endobj 160 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 161 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 162 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 253.8540 768.1817 263.4913 777.0000 ] >> endobj 162 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 163 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 164 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 77.1937 562.7057 86.8311 571.5240 ] >> endobj 164 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 165 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 166 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 552.9937 538.8962 562.6311 547.7145 ] >> endobj 166 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 167 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 168 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 214.8247 404.8487 224.4621 413.6670 ] >> endobj 168 0 obj << /Type /Action >> endobj 169 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Annots [ 171 0 R 173 0 R 175 0 R 177 0 R 179 0 R 181 0 R ] /Contents 170 0 R >> endobj 170 0 obj << /Length 12778 >> stream 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg q 15.000 359.119 577.500 417.881 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(review of the empirical literature, 1981-2001. Psychiatry. 2002 Fall;65\(3\):207-39. PubMed PMID:12405079.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(4.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Gray, M.J., Maguen, S., & Litz, B.T. \(2004\). Acute psychological impact on disaster and large-scale trauma: Limitations of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 736.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(traditional interventions and practice recommendations. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 19 \(1\), 64-72.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Dorn T, Yzermans CJ, Kerssens JJ, Spreeuwenberg PM, van der Zee J. Disaster and subsequent healthcare utilization: a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 704.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(longitudinal study among victims, their family members, and control subjects. Med Care. 2006 Jun;44\(6\):581-9. PubMed )] TJ ET BT 26.250 692.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(PMID:16708007.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(6.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Freedy JR, Simpson WM Jr. Disaster-related physical and mental health: a role for the family physician. Am Fam Physician. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 661.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2007 Mar 15;75\(6\):841-6. PubMed PMID:17390594.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(7.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Figley, C. R. \(1995\). "Compassion fatigue as secondary traumatic stress disorder: An overview." In Compassion fatigue: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 630.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. Brunner-Routledge; New York, 120.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 610.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(8.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 610.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Spinhoven P, Verschuur M. Predictors of fatigue in rescue workers and residents in the aftermath of an aviation disaster: a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 599.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(longitudinal study. Psychosom Med. 2006 Jul-Aug;68\(4\):605-12. PubMed PMID:16868271.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 579.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(9.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 579.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(North, C. S., Tivis, L., McMillen, J.C., Pfefferbaum, B., Spitznagel, E. L., Cox, J., Nixon, S., Bunch, K.P. & Smith, E.M. \(2002\). )] TJ ET BT 26.250 567.714 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Psychiatric disorders in rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 857-859.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 548.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(10.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 548.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Somers GT, Drinkwater EJ, Torcello N. The GP as first responder in a major medical emergency. Aust Fam Physician. 1997 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 536.405 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Dec;26\(12\):1406-9. PubMed PMID:9470295.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 517.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(11.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 517.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Hughes, R. T. & Trantham, P. \(2011\). When disaster strikes, humanity becomes our patient. The Permanente Journal, 15 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 505.095 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(\(3\), 118-122.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 485.691 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(12.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 485.691 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Ministry of Health, 2013. Patient Experience 2011/12: Key findings of the New Zealand Health Survey. Wellington: Ministry )] TJ ET BT 26.250 473.786 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of Health. )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 465.300 Td /F1 7.5 Tf [(REFERENCE LINK)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 446.750 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(13.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 446.750 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(McNaughton, E. \(2013\). Leadership, wisdom and the post-disaster recovery process - A report submitted to the Winston )] TJ ET BT 26.250 434.845 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Churchill Memorial Trust and New Zealand Red Cross. )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 426.359 Td /F1 7.5 Tf [(REFERENCE LINK)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 407.809 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(14.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 407.809 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Shoaf, K.I., & Rottman, S.J. \(2000\). Public health impact of disasters. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 15 \(3\), )] TJ ET BT 26.250 395.904 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(58-63.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 376.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(15.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 376.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Bryant, A and Charmaz, K. \(2007\). The SAGE handbook of grounded theory, London: Sage Publications.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 359.119 577.500 417.881 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(review of the empirical literature, 1981-2001. Psychiatry. 2002 Fall;65\(3\):207-39. PubMed PMID:12405079.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(4.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Gray, M.J., Maguen, S., & Litz, B.T. \(2004\). Acute psychological impact on disaster and large-scale trauma: Limitations of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 736.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(traditional interventions and practice recommendations. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 19 \(1\), 64-72.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Dorn T, Yzermans CJ, Kerssens JJ, Spreeuwenberg PM, van der Zee J. Disaster and subsequent healthcare utilization: a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 704.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(longitudinal study among victims, their family members, and control subjects. Med Care. 2006 Jun;44\(6\):581-9. PubMed )] TJ ET BT 26.250 692.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(PMID:16708007.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(6.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Freedy JR, Simpson WM Jr. Disaster-related physical and mental health: a role for the family physician. Am Fam Physician. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 661.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2007 Mar 15;75\(6\):841-6. PubMed PMID:17390594.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(7.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Figley, C. R. \(1995\). "Compassion fatigue as secondary traumatic stress disorder: An overview." In Compassion fatigue: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 630.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. Brunner-Routledge; New York, 120.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 610.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(8.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 610.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Spinhoven P, Verschuur M. Predictors of fatigue in rescue workers and residents in the aftermath of an aviation disaster: a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 599.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(longitudinal study. Psychosom Med. 2006 Jul-Aug;68\(4\):605-12. PubMed PMID:16868271.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 579.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(9.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 579.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(North, C. S., Tivis, L., McMillen, J.C., Pfefferbaum, B., Spitznagel, E. L., Cox, J., Nixon, S., Bunch, K.P. & Smith, E.M. \(2002\). )] TJ ET BT 26.250 567.714 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Psychiatric disorders in rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 857-859.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 548.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(10.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 548.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Somers GT, Drinkwater EJ, Torcello N. The GP as first responder in a major medical emergency. Aust Fam Physician. 1997 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 536.405 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Dec;26\(12\):1406-9. PubMed PMID:9470295.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 517.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(11.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 517.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Hughes, R. T. & Trantham, P. \(2011\). When disaster strikes, humanity becomes our patient. The Permanente Journal, 15 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 505.095 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(\(3\), 118-122.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 485.691 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(12.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 485.691 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Ministry of Health, 2013. Patient Experience 2011/12: Key findings of the New Zealand Health Survey. Wellington: Ministry )] TJ ET BT 26.250 473.786 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of Health. )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 465.300 Td /F1 7.5 Tf [(REFERENCE LINK)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 446.750 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(13.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 446.750 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(McNaughton, E. \(2013\). Leadership, wisdom and the post-disaster recovery process - A report submitted to the Winston )] TJ ET BT 26.250 434.845 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Churchill Memorial Trust and New Zealand Red Cross. )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 426.359 Td /F1 7.5 Tf [(REFERENCE LINK)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 407.809 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(14.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 407.809 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Shoaf, K.I., & Rottman, S.J. \(2000\). Public health impact of disasters. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 15 \(3\), )] TJ ET BT 26.250 395.904 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(58-63.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 376.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(15.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 376.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Bryant, A and Charmaz, K. \(2007\). The SAGE handbook of grounded theory, London: Sage Publications.)] TJ ET Q q 15.000 359.119 577.500 417.881 re W n 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 767.476 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(review of the empirical literature, 1981-2001. Psychiatry. 2002 Fall;65\(3\):207-39. PubMed PMID:12405079.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(4.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 748.071 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Gray, M.J., Maguen, S., & Litz, B.T. \(2004\). Acute psychological impact on disaster and large-scale trauma: Limitations of )] TJ ET BT 26.250 736.167 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(traditional interventions and practice recommendations. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 19 \(1\), 64-72.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(5.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 716.762 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Dorn T, Yzermans CJ, Kerssens JJ, Spreeuwenberg PM, van der Zee J. Disaster and subsequent healthcare utilization: a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 704.857 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(longitudinal study among victims, their family members, and control subjects. Med Care. 2006 Jun;44\(6\):581-9. PubMed )] TJ ET BT 26.250 692.952 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(PMID:16708007.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(6.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 673.548 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Freedy JR, Simpson WM Jr. Disaster-related physical and mental health: a role for the family physician. Am Fam Physician. )] TJ ET BT 26.250 661.643 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(2007 Mar 15;75\(6\):841-6. PubMed PMID:17390594.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(7.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 642.238 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Figley, C. R. \(1995\). "Compassion fatigue as secondary traumatic stress disorder: An overview." In Compassion fatigue: )] TJ ET BT 26.250 630.333 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. Brunner-Routledge; New York, 120.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 610.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(8.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 610.929 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Spinhoven P, Verschuur M. Predictors of fatigue in rescue workers and residents in the aftermath of an aviation disaster: a )] TJ ET BT 26.250 599.024 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(longitudinal study. Psychosom Med. 2006 Jul-Aug;68\(4\):605-12. PubMed PMID:16868271.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 579.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(9.)] TJ ET BT 38.132 579.619 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(North, C. S., Tivis, L., McMillen, J.C., Pfefferbaum, B., Spitznagel, E. L., Cox, J., Nixon, S., Bunch, K.P. & Smith, E.M. \(2002\). )] TJ ET BT 26.250 567.714 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Psychiatric disorders in rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 857-859.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 548.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(10.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 548.310 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Somers GT, Drinkwater EJ, Torcello N. The GP as first responder in a major medical emergency. Aust Fam Physician. 1997 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 536.405 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Dec;26\(12\):1406-9. PubMed PMID:9470295.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 517.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(11.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 517.000 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Hughes, R. T. & Trantham, P. \(2011\). When disaster strikes, humanity becomes our patient. The Permanente Journal, 15 )] TJ ET BT 26.250 505.095 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(\(3\), 118-122.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 485.691 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(12.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 485.691 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Ministry of Health, 2013. Patient Experience 2011/12: Key findings of the New Zealand Health Survey. Wellington: Ministry )] TJ ET BT 26.250 473.786 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(of Health. )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 465.300 Td /F1 7.5 Tf [(REFERENCE LINK)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 446.750 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(13.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 446.750 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(McNaughton, E. \(2013\). Leadership, wisdom and the post-disaster recovery process - A report submitted to the Winston )] TJ ET BT 26.250 434.845 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Churchill Memorial Trust and New Zealand Red Cross. )] TJ ET 0.267 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 426.359 Td /F1 7.5 Tf [(REFERENCE LINK)] TJ ET 0.271 0.267 0.267 rg BT 26.250 407.809 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(14.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 407.809 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Shoaf, K.I., & Rottman, S.J. \(2000\). Public health impact of disasters. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 15 \(3\), )] TJ ET BT 26.250 395.904 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(58-63.)] TJ ET BT 26.250 376.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(15.)] TJ ET BT 43.553 376.500 Td /F1 9.8 Tf [(Bryant, A and Charmaz, K. \(2007\). The SAGE handbook of grounded theory, London: Sage Publications.)] TJ ET Q q 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 291.710 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(7)] TJ ET BT 25.000 19.825 Td /F1 11.0 Tf [(PLOS Currents Disasters)] TJ ET Q endstream endobj 171 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 172 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 464.6062 91.2600 472.2375 ] >> endobj 172 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/patient-experience-2011-12-sept13.pdf) >> endobj 173 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 174 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 425.6655 91.2600 433.2967 ] >> endobj 174 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://recoverymatters1.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/elizabeth-mcnaughton-winston-churchill-report-2013-final1.pdf ) >> endobj 175 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 176 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 464.6062 91.2600 472.2375 ] >> endobj 176 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/patient-experience-2011-12-sept13.pdf) >> endobj 177 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 178 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 425.6655 91.2600 433.2967 ] >> endobj 178 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://recoverymatters1.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/elizabeth-mcnaughton-winston-churchill-report-2013-final1.pdf ) >> endobj 179 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 180 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 464.6062 91.2600 472.2375 ] >> endobj 180 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/patient-experience-2011-12-sept13.pdf) >> endobj 181 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 182 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 26.2500 425.6655 91.2600 433.2967 ] >> endobj 182 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://recoverymatters1.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/elizabeth-mcnaughton-winston-churchill-report-2013-final1.pdf ) >> endobj xref 0 183 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