Wire hang tests are simple and cheap methods to assess muscle performance in small rodents, but do not always yield consistent results. We describe a simple wire hang apparatus that comprises a continuous rolling loop. Wire hang times measured using the rolling wire provide consistent and reliable data that more accurately reflect the output of a continuous physical effort. As such data obtained in mice using a rolling wire are more representative of the physical changes in the mouse muscle and less susceptible to individual mouse behaviour and differences in animal handling.
Rodents, and mice in particular are widely used as models of neuromuscular disease. Assessing muscle function in mice can however be difficult due to intrinsic inter-animal variation, mouse behaviour or the complexities of the procedure. Grip strength and rotarod measurements can be used, but require relatively sophisticated equipment and are not immune from the aforementioned problems
Mdx and C57/bl6 mice were housed in the University of Sheffield animal facility according to national and international best practice guidelines for research using animals. All procedures were approved by the University of Sheffield Animal Welfare Committee and carried out under UK Home Office Project and Personal License (Animals in Scientific Procedures Act, 1986). In order to increase compliance and reduce animal stress, mice were handled using non-aversive methods as described previously
The apparatus comprises a flanged pulley to support and stabilise a 32cm wire hoop (see Supplementary Figure 1 for full details). The pulley is assembled on a steel bar that is clamped on a standard laboratory stand via a 2-way boss (partially obscured behind the pulley). The wire is positioned over a large box at least 30 cm from the base and 20cm from the sides to deter jumping. Bedding is placed in the bottom to break any fall. The mouse is positioned hanging with all four paws on the wire at the bottom. The time taken for the mouse to fall off is recorded. See also
The wire hanging test is based on the natural instinct of a mouse to avoid falling. The time that a mouse can hang for is determined by a number of factors, including the physical properties of the muscles, the number of limbs used and the weight of the mouse, as well as age and sex. Muscle disease such as muscular dystrophy, reduces hang times providing a rationale for using the test to determine the potential benefits of interventions. Mouse age and sex can be controlled in the experimental design, and weight can be accounted for in various ways in calculating the result. However, whether a mouse uses two or four limbs to hang on a wire is not easily controlled, nor is the direction and speed of movement, or whether the mouse falls off the wire when it reaches the end of a traditional linear wire hanging apparatus. Indeed distinctions between wire hanging using two limbs and grid hanging using all four limbs have yielded quite different results
On a linear wire hanging apparatus, the number of reaches and falls also adds a variable duration rest factor into the experiment (Supplementary Figure 2). A mouse placed on a linear wire by its front paws may have the strength to lift its rear paws onto the wire and can also use its tail for extra balance, which greatly extends the hanging time. Nonetheless, on a linear wire using four paws, mice invariably go in one direction and are using the same stance and therefore the same muscle groups more or less continuously. Whilst most methods for wire hanging suggest starting the mouse with its front paws only on the wire, they do not exclude mice that then use their rear paws and tails to hold on
Mdx mice aged between 10 and 41 weeks were subjected to linear and/or rolling wire tests. The attempt during which the maximum time was achieved for any single mouse was recorded. In rolling wire hang tests (grey bar), the 1st hang was almost always the longest, whereas for linear wire hangs (black bars), there was a broader distribution of maximum hang times.
11 mdx mice aged between 32 and 41 weeks were subjected to rolling wire (A) or linear wire (B) hang tests. Data are recorded as the maximum holding impulse (HI) and mean HI. HI is hang time in seconds multiplied by animal weight in grams. Maximum rolling wire hang times are 5 fold larger than linear wire hang times due to the reduced frequency of falls. Data are mean ± SEM, n=11.
Depending on individual mouse behaviour, the number of reaches however can have a significant impact on the reliability of the data. Each time a mouse is repositioned, it is given a brief rest, so the more reaches in a given time will give the mouse proportionally more rest. Moreover, mice will often drop off the wire when they reach the end, adding to the rest period if they are not repositioned quickly. Consequently linear wire hang data do not and can not represent the full potential of the mouse for the task, as the mouse is unlikely to hang for as long as it possibly can because it will inevitably reach the end of the wire and either drop off or have to be repositioned. For healthier mice the situation becomes more acute, due to the mice being stronger and more agile, consequently they are likely to reach the end of a linear wire more frequently than animals with a greater disease burden. This does not arise with the rolling wire due to the continuous nature of the test and the ability of the mouse to hang and move uninterrupted. This is evident from the frequency distribution of longest hangs shown in Figure 2. On a rolling wire >90% of first hang times are the longest, whereas for a linear wire the longest hang is more dependent on behaviour and the effect of tiring after repeated reaches and repositioning (Figure 2, Supplementary Figure 1). Furthermore, the rolling wire hang test can easily detect differences between mdx mice and wild type mice, as shown in Supplementary Figure 3. Thus the rolling wire test represents better the continuous physical output of the animal making it a closer correlate to the 6 minute walk test long used as a test of cardio-respiratory function
We have designed and validated a modified wire hang apparatus that yields a consistent and physiologically more meaningful output than the more traditional linear wire hang apparatus. It is simple to construct, easy to use and provides reliable results when tested with mdx mice. The output from the rolling wire hang test is a more rigorous test of mouse muscle performance than the linear wire hang test.
We are grateful to Mark Lister in the Mechanical Workshop, Department of Physics, University of Sheffield for constructing the wire hanging apparatus.
Supplementary movies can be found here: https://figshare.com/articles/Movies_of_mdx_mice_on_the_rolling_wire_apparatus/3472181/1