The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami event was historically unprecedented and exposed the vulnerability of countries and communities to natural hazards. However this event also spurred the global community to adopt the UN Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
After extensive consultation, governments have now adopted the successor to HFA, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: 2015-2030 (SFDRR), and agreed priorities for progress in mitigating, preparing for and recovering from disasters. This process culminated in the Third UN World Conference for DRR (14-18 March 2015, Sendai, Japan) where the SFDRR was agreed by 187 UN member states. The Sendai Framework
Learning from the HFA, the Sendai Framework prioritises understanding disaster risk, strengthening collaboration at global and regional levels, and recognizing the critical role of stakeholders in enabling national action. By recognising weak institutional arrangements as drivers of risk and the need to strengthen ‘disaster risk governance’ (
The new framework also assigns roles and responsibilities to stakeholders at the international, regional, national to local levels for achieving global disaster resilience goals. Compared with HFA, there is an enhanced role for science, technology and innovation; science is a distinct stakeholder embedded throughout the framework, with a role and specific responsibilities. While the importance of modelling and early warning systems solutions are emphasized, there is also recognition of the importance in understanding wider cultural and socio-economic processes in disasters and DRR, as well as a renewed emphasis on education and integrated approaches to training.
The SFDRR signals a clear mandate to the science, technology, and innovation community to work together with governments in developing and sharing the knowledge and solutions needed to improve the resilience of communities, save lives and reduce disaster losses. Following on from the adoption of the SFDRR, UN, governments and all stakeholders will work to translate these goals and commitments into concrete executable actions
Scientific information, technology and innovation for successful disaster risk reduction and resilience has long been recognised as essential by the international community
Nonetheless the 2011 Mid-Term Review of HFA
There is a persistent and recognised call for science to provide and share actionable knowledge with explicit links to policy and decision making
Data extraction consisted of a review and coding of statements made by countries and organisations at the first UNISDR Preparatory Committee Meeting for the post-2015 DRR Framework (July 2014), to explore the demand for science and technology. 106 statements were submitted by National Governments, intergovernmental organisations and Stakeholder Major Groups. Statements were accessed via the UNISDR World Conference for DRR website
During the initial coding phase, 10 statements were read several times and key words were determined iteratively in the text, until no new terms emerged. Using validated methods
Using the categories from the content analysis, a survey was developed. The survey consultation with national scientific bodies was intended to assess the demand for science, the usefulness and (limits to) accessibility of information from existing initiatives, and expectations for an enhanced approach in the post-2015 DRR Framework (now the SFDRR). 167 national scientists were recruited by membership through the Global Network of Science Academies (IAP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU). Invitations to participate in the online survey were sent by batch email with two evenly-spaced reminders
At the 1st Preparatory Committee for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, many Member States, Regional Groups, Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs) and thematic Major Groups emphasized the importance of science, technology, innovation and education for effective DRR decision-making. Of 106 statements, 89 were from Governments, 8 from IGOs, and 9 from major stakeholder groups. In total, 70 out of 89 Member State and Country Group Interventions, 7 out of 8 from IGOs and 7 of 9 Major Group Interventions expressed such messages.
These statements represent the range of current views on the role of science and technology in the Sendai Framework for DRR. While this has not captured nuances of views, it is indicative of the level of support for a greater role of science and technology and the converging area of interests, priorities, and scales of needs. In addition, the survey was administered for 4 weeks over September 2014 and gathered responses from national scientists in 44 countries, including 32 Low-Income and Middle-Income Developing Countries
Figure 1 shows the individual countries from which statements and/or survey results were included. Together these datasets show that there are significant areas of agreement from diverse countries around the world on the need for science to support implementation. Five themes emerged from the statement content analysis and open survey data pertaining to the potential role of science in implementation of the post-2015 DRR Framework, the proposed focus areas and functions for science, technology and innovation (Table 1). Each theme, supported by examples is discussed, in the following section.
Country group statements (e.g. EU) have been counted as a unit, not as individual.
1. Increase Scientific research and practitioner engagement
2. Technology Transfer and Innovation
3. Open data access, knowledge management and sharing
4. Communication and education
5. Strengthen coordination and cooperation structures
Cross-cutting capacity building
Theme 1. Increase scientific research and practitioner engagement: This theme emerged as support for specific research areas and identification of gaps in knowledge and inclusion of practitioner. Promote scientific research into risk patterns and trends, as well as the causes and effects of disaster risk in society; and engage with the National/Sub-National research and practitioner community involved in DRR to strengthen the science-policy interface.
In addition to general calls for research and practitioner engagement, the following gaps were specified: drought and desertification (Algeria); agriculture and food production (Ethiopia, Gambia); permafrost melting (Mongolia*); risk and economic assessment (Armenia); post-disaster recovery (Australia*); disaster risk trends, patterns, and responses (Uganda); social factors (Indonesia*).
Theme 2. Technology Transfer and Innovation: The development, accessibility and transfer of technology and critically, continued technical support once applied.
This theme was characterized by responses such as: We lack equipment/ technology (hardware or software), expertise, staff so even if we are given equipment, we will not have experts to use it (Seychelles*); Mongolia lacks technology for DRR. Scientific and technological transfer is critical (Mongolia*); Nigeria is faced with a major impediment of lack of science and technology capacity (Nigeria*).
Priorities identified by countries further support this: innovation and new technology in DRR, open data and accessible research (Philippines); transfer of technology data and implementation of transferring mechanisms (Panama); transfer of technology for multi-hazards and response (Pakistan); knowledge and technology sharing and transfer (Dominican Republic); develop, through scientific and technical innovation, new methodologies on disaster risk management research and risk modelling (Peru); there is a need for technology transfer and capacity building mechanism to enhance the implementation (Zambia).
Theme 3. Open data access, knowledge management and sharing, capacity to generate good data: The collection, sharing and use of data on disasters and on DRR is essential. Member States clearly requested that information is made available and accessible at regional, national, and local levels.
For example in terms of generating data statistics: capacity building to develop loss database and accurate baselines (Cook Islands); means of generating data and information for DRR/M (Nigeria*); One of Zimbabwe’s gaps in implementing DRR is the ‘state of the data collection and analysis facilities’ (Zimbabwe*).
While countries also described priorities in terms of knowledge management, synthesis, and sharing: open data and accessible research (Philippines); strong data and knowledge management systems with seamless sharing of information and the creation of a central data and information clearing house of all existing programs, policies, best practices, scientific papers and evidence based recommendations and competencies that relate to DRR and climate change adaptation. (Trinidad and Tobago).
Theme 4. Communication and education: To support and expand information campaigns and public education on DRR leading to greater community resilience. As well as for local empowerment, to facilitate local access to data and increase collection and exchange of local and traditional knowledge in DRR
For example, countries describe gaps in: awareness raising activities and visible programmes (Pakistan*); gaps in policy briefs on various issues related to DRR/M and general education of the population (Uganda*). This is also reflected in priorities to: intensify information campaigns and public education on disaster management to prevent epidemics (Angola); increase risk education and training programs (Sri Lanka); teach DRR information in schools (Swaziland); support science communication and public education to ensure strong dialogue among stakeholders for science role in DRR/M (Indonesia*); and to promote use of indigenous and/or traditional knowledge (Brazil, Nigeria).
Theme 5
Problems that were identified included: lack of data, research and coordination between international initiatives (Egypt) There is no information sharing and networking between the related science organisations. (Jordan*);
Some countries offered suggestions to improve the linkages: strengthening international cooperation in science and technology related to disaster risk by improving existing cooperation frameworks (Algeria); Increasing benefit from existing international initiatives related to disasters (Egypt); Coordinate the existing institutions working on science and technology for DRR/M (Uganda*).
In addition to the five themes, there was a popular crosscutting issue around capacity building; specifically to increase national ability to consider evidence-based risk assessment in both investing for DRR and formulating evidence-based risk management policies.
For instance: Science and technology are pivotal to strengthen the evidence base in decision-making (Caribbean Community Countries [CARICOM]); Local institutions need to be strengthened to take a lead role in Disaster Risk Management and identify means to scale up community-based disaster risk management (Myanmar); There are gaps on every level and in every capacity. (Seychelles*)
The overall trend of lacking science was further revealed by answers from national scientists to quantitative survey questions, 75% (n = 33/44) see the lack of S&T as a national challenge to HFA implementation (Table 2). 73% (n = 32/44) of respondent national scientists do not think that their country currently has access to sufficient science and technical information and/or capacity to inform DRR policy and practice, 89% (n = 39/44) feel that improved coordination and stronger support for science and technology exchange would be helpful.
Values in brackets specify sample from low- and middle-income developing countries.
Survey Question
Does the requirement for science and technology present a national challenge to implementation of DRR policy and HFA?
33 (30)
11 (2)
Does your country currently have access to sufficient science and technical information and capacity to inform DRR policy and practice?
12 (5)
32 (27)
Given your country’s requirements for science and technology and any gaps you've identified, would improved international coordination and stronger support frameworks for the exchange of science and technology be useful to achieve DRR goals?
39 (31)
5 (1)
Diverse countries, regional groups, and major stakeholder groups emphasized the importance of greater access to knowledge, technology, information, and education as necessary tools for effective solutions and DRR decision-making. These findings identify where attention and effort from the international community is warranted and can be most effective.
Many of the gaps and difficulties identified by countries at national level can be considered products of the fundamental barriers at the science-policy-practice interface. Previous research
At the conclusion of the UNISDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) report on 'Using Science for Disaster Risk Reduction' at the Global Platform in May 2013
This study was a first attempt to capture and communicate the needs and priorities of countries in terms of accessing and applying science and technology for disaster risk reduction and DRR policy-making. The survey is limited by the relatively small sample size and sampling method. However, this is a broad study that included all IAP and ICSU member countries and is widely geographically representative. All participants were scientists participating as national focal points and so are likely familiar with the status of their country. A limitation of the content analysis is that these statements represent the range of current views on the role of science and technology in the post-2015 framework for DRR. Clearly this does not capture nuances of views or differences within countries, groups or disciplines; however it is indicative of the level of support for a greater role of science and technology and the differing area of interests, priorities, and scales of needs.
Science hastens progress. Countries have clearly demanded greater science for DRR, having identified a range of science and technology related needs, including through the Sendai Framework for DRR. Across regions and development levels, countries are seeking to address the gaps they face in scientific capacities and information. As an essential component to the development of countries, the entire science community has the opportunity to capitalize and compound benefits from existing disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific organisations and technical tools to best serve countries’ DRR priorities. As we move towards a more integrated and comprehensive approach to DRR, improved science and technology allows quicker coordination, communication and results. The SFDRR signals a clear mandate to the science, technology, and innovation community to work together with countries to develop and share the knowledge and technology needed to improve the resilience of communities, save lives, and reduce disaster losses. It is hoped that understanding the priorities and challenges voiced by governments and international scientists, and presented herein will help decision-makers and scientists in developing an implementation plan underpinned by scientific evidence which has the potential to save lives, livelihoods and contribute to greater resilience over the coming decades.
This research has been developed in dialogue with the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences, the International Council for Science and the Major Group on Science and Technology. The author would like to express gratitude for helpful discussions with John Rees, Virginia Murray, Colin Armstrong, Elizabeth Carabine and Andree Carter; all of whom provided valuable advice and guidance for this work.