Objectives: There is limited evidence on urban Asian communities' disaster risk perceptions and household level preparedness. Hong Kong is characterized by high population density, and is susceptible to large-scale natural disasters and health crises such as typhoons, fires and infectious disease outbreaks. This research paper investigates the rates and predictors of urban community disaster risk perception, awareness and preparedness, at individual and household levels.
Methods: A randomized cross-sectional, population-based telephone survey study was conducted among the Cantonese-speaking population aged over 15 years in Hong Kong. Descriptive statistics were reported. A stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the independent associations between risk perceptions, socioeconomic factors, household characteristics, and personal background.
Findings: Final study sample comprised of 1002 respondents with a 63% response rate. The majority of respondents (82.3%) did not perceive Hong Kong as a disaster-susceptible city. Half (54.6%) reported beliefs that the local population had lower disaster awareness than other global cities. Infectious disease outbreak (72.4%), typhoon (12.6%), and fire (7.1%) were ranked as the most-likely-to-occur population-based disasters. Although over 77% believed that basic first aid training was necessary for improving individual disaster preparedness, only a quarter (26.1%) of respondents reported participation in training.
Conclusion: Despite Hong Kong’s high level of risk, general public perceptions of disaster in Hong Kong were low, and little preparedness has occurred at the individual or household levels. This report has potential to inform the development of related policies and risk communication strategies in Asian urban cities.
Densely-populated urban cities in Asia are among the highest at risk of natural disaster and health-related emergency, yet little is known about risk literacy and household preparedness in these settings. Findings in other populations suggest that communities are often ill-equipped to cope with disaster and evacuation, regardless of their susceptibility to threat. Household and individual preparedness is critical to the overall effectiveness and cost-efficiency of national disaster response strategy.
This is the first investigation of household risk literacy and disaster preparedness in Hong Kong. In a randomized, population-based cross-sectional study of risk perceptions and knowledge, we found low levels of risk literacy and poor preparedness practices among the general public. The most commonly perceived potential hazards were infectious disease outbreak, typhoon and fire. Few respondents had prepared the necessary actions or materials for disaster, including completion of first aid training and stockpiling of non-perishable food and water, but most reported supplies of basic household medical supplies. Individuals with chronic health issues were more likely to have a long-term supply of medication available. Further public health strategies are needed to inform the population of likely hazards (such as extreme temperature events) and how they can best prepare for emergencies.
Highly populated cities in Asia are at greatest risk of emergency resulting from natural disasters.
Perceived risk, disaster preparedness knowledge, prior disaster experiences and certain socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, education and family income have potential to affect emergency preparedness and related behaviors.
Disaster preparedness has potential to mitigate the adverse human impacts of emergencies and disasters. Yet studies conducted in western communities have indicated that although the population attributed high importance to disaster preparedness, perceived preparedness did not necessarily translate to actual household preparedness and emergency response.
In addition, as defined by Petts et.al.,
A cross-sectional, population-based telephone survey was conducted between May and June 2012. The study population was the non-institutionalized population aged 15 years or above residing in Hong Kong, including residents holding valid work or study visas. Exclusion criteria included i) non-Cantonese-speaking respondents; ii) overseas visitors holding tourist visas to Hong Kong; iii) 2-way permit holders from mainland China; and iv) those who were unable to be interviewed due to medical reasons.
Approval of the study protocol was obtained from the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The participants were briefed on the background, nature and purpose of the study. They were asked to give oral consent to participate at the beginning of the study and ensured their responses would be kept confidential.
A structured questionnaire was constructed and used for data collection. The questionnaire consisted of 66 questions that aimed to collect the following information from respondent:
Interviews were conducted in Cantonese, the most common language of Hong Kong (spoken by 89.5% of population),
A list of randomly generated telephone numbers was used to provide the study sample. The telephone interviews were conducted by trained interviewers. The telephone calls were made between 6:30pm to 10:00pm on weekdays and during daytime on weekends, to prevent over representation of the unemployed population. The subject undergoing the interview was chosen based on the “last birthday method”,
Descriptive statistics on the socio-demographic variables, perceived susceptibility of disasters in Hong Kong, perceived level of disaster awareness and preparedness of Hong Kong compared to other metropolitan cities, as well as individual and household level disaster preparedness was reported and the age-sex composition was compared to that of the recent Hong Kong Census data. Individual disaster preparedness was defined by having received first aid training while a proxy variable for household preparedness was calculated by summating the five variables of owning a first aid kit, having basic aids supplies, storing emergency food and water, having extra supplies of basic medication, and possessing a fire extinguisher. Univariate analysis was conducted, to identify significant independent socio-demographic variables with the disaster-related risk perceptions and disaster preparedness. Forward stepwise multivariate logistic regression was then applied on variables with at least a marginal statistical significance of p<0.05 in the univariate analysis in order to identify socio-demographic predictors for perceived susceptibility to disaster as well as actual level of disaster preparedness. All statistical analyses were conducted using PASW Statistics 18 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Statistical significance was set at α=0.05.
A total of 11,034 telephone calls were dialed during the data collection period. The numbers were called for a maximum of 5 times before being classified as unanswered. Among the numbers called, 2,790 were not answered and 6,653 were invalid. There were 1,591 persons who were eligible to participate in the study. However, among them 83 were not at home and 484 refused to participate; 22 accepted to participate in the survey but did not complete the interview. Hence, the final number of respondents who completed the survey was 1,002, and the response rate was 63.0% (1002/1591) (see Figure 1).
A total of 1,002 completed surveys were obtained from non-institutionalized, Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong residents aged 15 yrs and above during the survey period. Table 1 shows a comparison of the socio-demographic characteristics between the study population compared and the general population in Hong Kong in 2011.
The majority (87.2%, n=820) of respondents did not perceive Hong Kong to be susceptible to natural disasters. Infectious disease outbreak (74.0%, n=724), typhoon (12.9%, n=126) and fires (7.3%, n=71) were reported to be the most likely disaster threats to the population in Hong Kong. Of note, only 1.2% (n=12) of the study respondents perceived extreme temperatures (heat waves or cold spells) as a potential threat, despite evidence that extreme temperatures resulting from climate change have a significant adverse impact in Hong Kong.
When asked to compare Hong Kong’s population’s awareness and preparedness level with other cities globally, 57.1% (n=545) regarded the Hong Kong community as having lower disaster awareness. Almost half (49.6%, n=462) of interviewees believed that disaster preparedness in Hong Kong was worse than other major cities.
Table 2 provides an overview of risk perception and self-reported health emergency and disaster preparedness at both individual and household levels in Hong Kong. Among all respondents, only 26.1% (n=261) reported having ever received some form of first aid training. For household-based preparedness, basic supplies such as face-masks, band-aids and basic medication such as anti-pyretic drugs were reported available in over 90% of interviewed households. In contrast, ownership of a first aid kit (49.4%, n=494) and non-perishable food and drinking water (57.4%, n=574) were less commonly reported. Among those reported to be chronic disease patients, 89% (n=189) had prepared long-term medications at home that could support their chronic illness for at least two weeks. In addition, although fire hazard was perceived as the most threatening disaster in Hong Kong, only 11.5% (n=114) of the respondents possessed fire extinguisher in the household. Overall, 75.1% (n=753) of the respondents were practicing at least three out of the five preparedness measures (equipped with a first aid kit, basic aids supplies, emergency food and drinking water, basic medication, and a fire extinguisher).
Table 3 presents the results from multivariate Logistic Regression analyses on the predictive factors for disaster-related perceptions as well as actual disaster preparedness at both individual and household levels. Regarding the perceived susceptibility to disaster of Hong Kong, older age (65 years and above) was associated with a higher likelihood of perceiving Hong Kong as susceptible to disaster (OR=2.55; 95%CI=1.49-4.36, p<0.05) when compared to the younger age group (15-39 years). On the other hand, regarding the perceived disaster awareness of Hong Kong compared to other metropolitan cities, having attained post-secondary education and above (OR=1.92; 95%CI=1.21-3.05, p<0.001), living in the New Territories (OR=1.61; 95%CI=1.12-2.32, p<0.05), and being religious (OR=1.39; 95%CI=1.02-1.90, p<0.05) were associated with a higher likelihood of perceiving Hong Kong to have lower disaster awareness, while living with persons <15 yrs and >60 yrs (OR=72; 95%CI=0.54-0.96, p<0.05) and being married (OR=0.69; 95%CI=0.50-0.95, p<0.05) were associated with a lower likelihood of perceiving Hong Kong to have lower disaster awareness.
Middle age (40-64 years) (OR=1.47; 95%CI=1.06-2.04, p<0.05), having attained post-secondary education or above (OR=2.07; 95%CI=1.12-3.51, p<0.05) and being students (OR=1.83; 95%CI=1.13-2.98, p<0.05) were associated with a higher likelihood of perceiving Hong Kong being worse in terms of disaster preparedness compared to other metropolitan cities, while being housewives, retired or unemployed (OR=0.71; 95%CI=0.50-1.00, p<0.05) was associated with a lower likelihood of such perception. In addition, higher education such as secondary education (OR=3.87; 95%CI=1.43-10.49, p<0.01) and post-secondary education (OR=5.15; 95%CI=1.82-14.56, p<0.01), higher monthly household income ($20,000-$39,999: OR=2.35, 95%CI=1.12-4.95; $40,000 and above: OR=3.56, 95%CI=1.64-7.71, p<0.01), and experience in relief work (OR=6.00, 95%CI=2.36-15.22, p<0.01) were associated with an increased likelihood of receiving first aid training while female (OR=0.54; 95%CI=0.37-0.78, p<0.01) and being married (OR=0.63; 95%CI=0.42-0.95, p<0.05) were associated with a decreased likelihood of receiving first aid training. Further, regarding the actual household preparedness, living in subsidized sale flats/ home ownership scheme (OR=2.25; 95%CI=1.40-3.63, p<0.01) and private permanent housing (OR=2.01; 95%CI=1.44-2.81, p<0.01) were associated with a higher likelihood of better household preparedness compared to those living in public housing. Moreover, the middle age group (40-64 years) (OR=1.52; 95%CI=1.07, 2.16 p<0.05) was associated with a higher likelihood of better household preparedness compared to the younger age group (15-39 years).
The study examined the perception towards disasters in a population-dense urbanized community. Hong Kong is frequently affected by different hazards. Severe infectious disease outbreaks happen once every several years (i.e. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003
However, urban public perceptions towards disasters appear to be disassociated from the actual occurrence of extreme events in this Chinese city. Only 12.8% people regarded Hong Kong as susceptible to disasters, indicating a low-level of disaster-related risk perceptions within the Hong Kong community. The majority (57.1%) of the respondents perceived themselves to have lower disaster awareness than other major metropolitan cities. The findings reflect the intuitive judgment of risk by lay people, which are based on a hazard’s catastrophic potential (the dread factor), uncertainty about the hazard (the unknown factor), and the number of people exposed to the risk.
In addition, the majority of the community (nearly 80% of the respondents) reported having no experience of disasters, which could be demonstrating a gap in the application of the disaster concept to real life events. Since the adverse effects of disasters on individuals and households vary based on the nature of the disaster and personal circumstances, most people may have experienced of the strength (i.e. typhoon) and panic (i.e. infectious diseases) caused by a disaster but not experienced any personal harm or loss of personal property. This may cause them to not associate the word “disaster” with their perception of the extreme events that happened in their community.
When asked to choose the most threatening disaster to Hong Kong, 74% of respondents perceived infectious disease outbreaks to be the most threatening. Typhoons and fires were considered to be the most threatening by 12.9% and 7.3% of the respondents, respectively. These results are in line with Hong Kong’s exposure level to the different disasters. The 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong had a high fatality rate of 17%
The survey found that Hong Kong people, 99.2% of the community, obtain information related to their perceived most threatening disaster from at least one source and 68.2% would refer to more than one source. Moreover, 73.2% of the respondents have heard of related measures to manage those disasters in Hong Kong. However, despite having the knowledge and information about threatening disasters, there is a gap between the sufficient information and the awareness of Hong Kong’s susceptibility to disasters. In other words, an individual does not personalize the risk of a disaster, even though the disaster is the most threatening from his/her perspective. Such a gap may also explain the pattern of preparedness in the following discussion.
About half (49.6%) of the respondents perceived Hong Kong having a lower level of disaster preparedness compared to other metropolitan cities. We surveyed the following 6 household stock-piling items that are of importance in disaster preparedness: first aid kit, basic aids supplies, storage of food and water, basic medications, long-term medication and fire-extinguishers. (Table 2) Less than half of the respondents reported to keep a first aid kit at home, which was lower than previous findings from a 2010 Hong Kong study reporting first aid kits in 60.6% of families with young children.
The analysis of adequate household preparedness for emergency and disasters among the Hong Kong community indicated that Hong Kong’s residents are inadequately prepared for disaster. Only 28.3 % of the respondents had all five items for household disaster preparedness. (Long-term medication was excluded, as the item is only applicable to people with chronic diseases and not to the whole community. In addition, both having a fire extinguisher at home and living in a residence equipped with government-approved fire extinguisher facilities were considered to fulfill the preparedness of fire extinguishers.) An Australian study by Cretikos et al. found similar results when investigating household disaster preparedness and information sources used before and during a disaster in New South Wales
An inverse association was found in the elderly (65 years and above) between disaster risk perception and household preparedness compared with the younger age group (15-39 years old). The elderly had a significantly higher disaster risk perception (OR=2.55), which may result from having more experiences of casualty-inducing-disasters in their younger years when Hong Kong’s development, infrastructure and government measures were less well-established
In contrast to those with lower education levels, higher education (post-secondary education or above) was associated with a higher likelihood of perceiving Hong Kong to be worse than other metropolitan cities in terms of disaster awareness and preparedness. A similar trend was observed among those with secondary education or above, although such observations were not found to be statistically significant. One possible explanation for such trend may be that people with higher education are more conscious about disaster-related news and information globally. Muttarak conducted a survey among areas receiving tsunami warnings after the 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake in Thailand, and found that formal education can increase disaster preparedness and reduce vulnerability to natural hazards
Although causes of household disaster unpreparedness were not examined in detail in this study, the literature suggests that lack of time and resources, lack of knowledge on how to achieve preparedness, and poor familiarity with preparedness items were common barriers to personal preparedness
Disaster-related risk perception, according to our study, was not a predicting factor for individual or household level disaster preparedness. Although community disaster experiences appear to be positively correlated with preparedness, at both individual and household levels, the associations appear to be inconsistent. Both of the above arguments highlight that it is necessary not only to enhance emergency preparedness measures taken by each household, but also to promote awareness of the population’s vulnerability towards potential disasters in Hong Kong.
The study findings implies the insufficiency of the urban Chinese communities regarding disaster preparedness, which also calls for a reflection of the need for increasing disaster risk literacy
A number of limitations should be noted. The first is the methodological limitations inherent in the use of a telephone survey. Households that do not possess a landline telephone service were likely missed. Nonetheless, among the Hong Kong community, almost all households have a landline telephone service. Other local published studies
The current findings suggest that future research and policy formulation should focus on strengthening household disaster preparedness, and enhancing disaster health risk literacy in the general public. High level disaster-related mitigation knowledge within the community is an essential asset in the development of preparedness enhancement programs. Further investigation will be necessary to examine other aspects of disaster health risk literacy, including the capability and skills to acquire, evaluate and comprehend disaster-related information, and the ability to implement emergency response plans to mitigate the impacts of disasters.
The authors declare that no competing interests exist.
The authors would like to thank all the research support from colleagues of Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response.
Medicine Postgraduate Intern at University of Santo Tomas Hospital
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