Author Profile

Stefano Alessandri

Affiliation: Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "Giuseppe Parenti", University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Stefano Alessandri - Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum Born in Florence, Italy, on 04/11/1953, he obtained a degree with honors in Agricultural Science and Technology in 1999 at the Faculty of Agricultural Science of the University of Florence, with a published thesis on "The Quality and Variability of Olive Production in Tuscany". He worked at the Horticulture Department of the University of Florence from 01/05/1975 to 09/01/1995, continuing to collaborate with it to 01/11/2002. Since July 2000, he is a qualified Doctor in Agronomy and is registered in the role list for Doctors in Agronomy and Doctors in Forestry of the Province of Florence (registration n. 944). From 1988 to 1993 he has been chosen as Teacher and Trainer by the Regional Institute for Educational Research Experimentation and Updating (IRRSAE, Istituto Regionale Ricerca, Sperimentazione Aggiornamento Educativi) of Tuscany, and has taken care of the epistemological aspects and problems concerning the definition and transmission of educative contents for scientific subjects within learning groups as teacher and coordinator; particularly for the training of teachers of Primary School and in the fields of Experimental Methodology, Plant Biology and Experimental Physics, making interventions in the fields of Chemistry, Earth Science and Animal Biology as well. He has been chosen as Expert in statistical elaboration of analytical data concerning olive oil quality in the Region of Tuscany, since 25/02/2000, in the Regional Project for the Improvement of the Quality of Olive Oil. He is Associate Faculty Member of the Center for Magnetic Resonance (CERM) of the University of Florence, since 24/09/2002. Since 01/11/2002 he serves as Senior Researcher (CHIM03 area) at the Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology of the University of Florence. Since 16/02/2004 to November 2010 he has been member of the board of teachers of the International Doctorate in Structural Biology, that is held at CERM. Since 01/11/2012 belongs to the sector: SECS-P/13 Commodity Science, Concorsual sector: 13/B5. Since 01/01/2013 serves at Dipartimento: Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G. Parenti" - DiSIA of Florence. Since 2016 is member of the Italian Commodity Science Academy (AISME). Since the Academic Year 2007/2008 to the Academic Year 2012/2013 holds the course of "General and Inorganic Chemistry" of the first degree course "Plant Production Science and Environment Management" of the Faculty of Agriculture of Florence. Since the Academic Year 2012/2013 he is holding part of the course of "NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY", in English, of the second degree course "DESIGN OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM SYSTEMS". He works on the quality, characterization and safety of agriculture and food products, especially typical products. In particular does research work on the application of multivariate statistical techniques on analytical data and the setting of classification models to recognize the origin of products. He works on structural characterization and authentication of food allergens by high resolution NMR and on characterisation of food products by high resolution NMR and low resolution Gamma-ray spectrometry. He was or is involved in the following Research Projects as Principal Investigator (or Co-investigator if a different P.I. or Coordinator is specified): 2003-2005 The Role of metal ions in metabolic processes; funded by MIUR (Italian Ministery for Instruction, University and Research) as PRIN (Italian Research Program of Relevant National Interest), Coordinator I. Bertini – Cerm (Research Centre of Magnetic Rsonances; University of Florence). 2005-2009 Involvement as Cerm (Research Centre of Magnetic Rsonances; University of Florence) investigator and representative, with Prof. C. Luchinat as P.I. - EUROPREVALL (The prevalence, cost and basis of food allergy across Europe; EU-Funded (FP6-FOOD, 14 329 838 €) multidisciplinary integrated project (IP) involving 17 European member-states, Switzerland, Iceland, and Ghana and 67 partners, among them 15 clinical organisations, 6 small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and the leading allergy research organisations in EU) The main objective of the EUROPREVALL project was to examine the complex interactions between food intake and metabolism, immune system, genetic background and socioeconomic factors to identify key risk factors and develop common European databases. Over the course of four years and seven months it has delivered the information and tools necessary for policymakers, regulators and the food industry to effectively manage food allergies across Europe and hence deliver an improved quality of life to food allergic consumers. 2006 Discovering and purification of biochemical and molecular markers of host-pathogen interaction for molecular phyto-diagnostic and non-conventional phytopharmacology; funded by DIBA (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology) and by University of Florence; P.I. Prof. Tegli S. 2006-2008 Structural Genomics strutturale of metallo-proteins and their functional interactions funded by MIUR (Italian Ministery for Instruction, University and Research) as PRIN (Italian Research Program of Relevant National Interest), Coordinator I. Bertini – Cerm (Research Centre of Magnetic Rsonances; University of Florence). 2008 Structural Authentication of macro-molecules of agri-food interest; funded by DIBA (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology) and by University of Florence. 2008-2010 Natural Extract from Medical, Textile and Coloring Plants; Chemical Technological and Biological Characterization of Common Nettle (Urtica dioica), Laurel (Daphne sp.), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Chestnut (Castanea sativa) funded by MIUR (Italian Ministery for Instruction, University and Research) as PRIN (Italian Research Program of Relevant National Interest), Coordinator A. Romani, DISIA (Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications; University of Florence). 2009–2012 Authentication and Structural Analysis of macro-molecules of agri-food interest; funded by DIBA (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology) and by University of Florence. 2013-2014 Chemometrical and Structural Authentication of Food Allergens, Olive (Olea europaea) Oil and Saffron (Crocus sativus); funded by DISIA (Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications) and by the University of Florence. 2014 Gamma Spectrometry: Traceability, Quality, Safety funded by the fundation “Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze”. 2015 Methods and Standards for a Diffused and Cheap Radio-isotopical Characterization,of Agri-food Products, and By-products ; funded by DISIA (Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications) and by the University of Florence. 2016 ”Structural Authentication and Interactions of Food Allergens (Autenticazione ed interazioni strutturali diallergeni alimentari)”. In Colaboration with the Medical University di Vienna (Prof K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber and Dr. P. Dubiela); funded by DISIA (Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications) and by the University of Florence. He has held and holds courses, seminars and workshps for the following organizations: - Horticulture Department of the University of Florence - Consortium for Irrigation Techniques (CO.T.IT.) in Scerni (Pescara) - Regional Administration of Tuscany - Regional Agency for the Development and Innovation in Agriculture and Forestry(ARSIA) of Tuscany - Chamber of Commerce (Unioncamere) of Tuscany - International Olive Oil Council (COI) - Italian National Research Council (CNR) - Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology of the University of Florence - Tuscan Pediatric Cultural Association (ACP Toscana) - Faculty of Agricultural Science of the University of Parma. - School (fromerly Faculty) of Economy of the University of Florence The subjects of courses, seminars and workshops are: - Food quality. Particularly in oils coming from the processing of olives - General and Inorganic Chemistry - New Technologies and Environmental Chemistry - Applied Statistics, Biometry and Chemiometry especially about classification models - Experimental Methodology and computer aided techniques for acquisition and validation of experimental data - Information Technology - Communication Technologies for the finding, access, use and sharing of information (particularly scientific) on local and remote data bases He attended the workshops, seminars, round tables and courses listed in the following. 1.Information and Communication Technology - Course on FORTRAN language, organized by the National University Center of Electronic Calculus (CNUCE) at the Faculty of Agricultural Science in Florence (12-28/11/1975). - Course on PROLOG language in Bologna at Inter-university Consortium (CINECA; 22-29/09/ 1988). - Seminar on "On-Line Research" at CINECA in Bologna (29-30/11/1988) - Introductive course on Data Transmission "Network services for scientific research in Italy" organized by the CNUCE Institute and by the Research Consortium of Pisa (15-17/03/1989). 2. Statistics and Experimental Methodology - Metrology course held at the IATA Institute at the Faculty of Agricultural Science in Florence in 1985. - Base course on Statistical analysis of experimental measures in Biology held by Prof. Salvi at the Department of Pre-clinical and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Florence in October 1986. - Course on "Regression Analysis" held at the Statistics Laboratory of the Department of Statistics in Florence 21-22/12/1989. - Seminar on "Chemiometry: a new instrument to manage the quality of the environment and food", organized by the UICI, held in Perugia 03-04/12/1991. 3. Food Quality (particularly in oils coming from the processing of olives) - International seminar on "The Scientific innovations and their application in Olive Tree Growing and olive oil processing" organized by the Accademia dei Georgofili and the International Olive Oil Council in Florence on 10-11-12/03/1999. - Round table "The new European regulation on the denomination of origin of olive oil: towards the breaking of the productive chain ?" Accademia dei Georgofili; Florence 12/03/1999. - Round table "Productive Chain Traceability. Law impositions and competitive opportunities for agriculturally produced foodstuffs" Accademia dei Georgofili; Florence 05/06/2000. - Stage: "Olive growing in Mediterranean countries facing origin denomination and European policies on quality" Accademia dei Georgofili; Florence 03/10/2000. - "BIO: for which quality of life?" Florence, 22/11/2000; conference organized by Italian Society of Manager Women (A.I.D.D.A.), Universities of Florence and Pisa. 4. Education, Training and Epistemology - Seminar on the "New Programs for the Primary School - Science Module" organized by the Tuscan Regional Institute for Educational Research Experimentation and Updating (I.R.R.S.A.E.), held in Lido di Camaiore (Lu) 18-21/05/1988. - Seminar for science teaching experts organized by the Tuscan I.R.R.S.A.E. and held in Montecatini Terme 05-07/12/1988. - Seminar for Science teachers, held in Florence 04-05/05/1990, organized by the Tuscan I.R.R.S.A.E. - Seminar for P.P.A. Teachers, held in Lido di Camaiore (Lu) from 18-20/03/1991, organized by the Tuscan I.R.R.S.A.E. and by the Organization for the Professional Training of Teachers (O.P.P.I.). - Round table on the theme of "The teacher moving towards a change" organized by the Local Education Office of Lucca, by the I.T.G. L. Nottolini of Lucca and by the ATCF-O.P.P.I. held in Lucca 30/05/1991. - TRAINING Course for teachers in work-groups, organized and managed by the O.P.P.I. (Organization for the Professional Training of Teachers) in Milan 26 -30/08/ 1991. - Seminar: "The educational value of subjects in educational processes. A return to the future (new prospectives in subject analysis in formative planning)", organized by the O.P.P.I. in Milan 28-29/03/1992. - Debate meeting on the theme: "School and Total Quality: a challenge", organized by the I.T.C.S. Alessandro Volta in Florence on 06/05/1992. - Seminar on "Planning research", organized by the O.P.P.I., in Passo del Tonale (TN) 19-23/07/1992. - Seminar for Science experts (collaborators and consultants in Primary School Work-Groups) held in Montecatini Terme (PT) 14-15/12/1992 organized by the Tuscan I.R.R.S.A.E. - Seminar "A debated comparison of Education associations. Education strategies: the contribution of subjects to Education processes", organized by the O.P.P.I. in Milan, at the organization headquarters 19-20/02/1993. - Seminar "Introduction to the Philosophy of Science in the 20th Century - Part 1", Fadini U.; Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 08/03/1996. - Seminar "Introduction to the Philosophy of Science in the 20th Century - Part 2", Fadini U.; Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 15/03/1996. - Seminar "Comparison of Methodological aspects in subject fields of the Faculty of Agricultural Science (Earth Science, Biology, Economy, Ecology sectors); Zanzi A., Malevolti I., Vazzana C., Ferrari G.; Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 10/05/1996. - Spugnoli, P., Vieri, M.; Facolta' di Agraria di Firenze, 15/11/1996 Seminar "Mechanization as configuration and control of the instrumental component in an agricultural system" Spugnoli P., Vieri M., Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 15/11/1996. - Seminar "Parasite attacks on species of agricultural and forestal interest and the answer given by man in a systemic perspective" Surico G., Belcari G.; Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 06/12/1996. - Seminar "Introduction to the Science Method" Fadini U.; Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 27/02/1998. - Seminar "Genetics and Biotechnology between reductionism and the study of complex systems" Buiatti M., Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 06/03/1998. - Seminar "Dynamics of complex systems. Instability and auto-organization" Califano S.; Faculty of Agricultural Science of Florence, 13/03/1998. - Seminar "Counseling and training on aid relationships", by Dr. L. Guzzardi, organized by the Tuscan Territorial Group of the AIF, in Florence on 01/02/2000. - Seminar "WWW.benessere,it" ( by Prof. Enzo Spaltro, organized by the Tuscan Territorial Group of the AIF, in Florence on 19/05/2000. - Seminar "The A.I.F. certification of the Teacher's competence" organized by the Tuscan Territorial Group of the AIF, in Florence on 05/06/2000, and coordinated by Dr. B. Librandi. - G. A. Courtial; "Pedagogy, the most ancient science of the Universe", Florence 29/09/2000; Pedagogic meeting organized by the Education Council of the Commune of Florence and by the ANPE (National Association of Pedagogists). - A. Polin; "The wound as a source of energy" Florence 27/10/2000; Pedagogic meeting organized by the Education Council of the Commune of Florence and by the ANPE. - Del Medico, M., Bertoldi M., Serretti A., De Caro G.: "Play in Work and Life", Florence 3, 10, 17/11/2000; Workshop organized by the Mario Augusto Martini Study Center and the Italian Teachers Association (AIF). - R. Ciofi; "The contribution given by professions in the field of psycho-pedagogy to the transformation towards a new society" Florence 24/11/ 2000; Pedagogic meeting organized by the Education Council of the Commune of Florence and by the ANPE. - A. Amodei; "Darwinian and Evolutionistic Psychology: problems concerning scientific training and communication" Florence 15/12/2000; Pedagogic meeting organized by the Education Council of the Commune of Florence and by the ANPE. - ITOL, Institute of Training, 23-27 May 2012, Grundtvig workshop INOVATE - Implementing New Operating Changes for Valuing Adult Education and Training. ( Scopus Author ID:6603809597; h-index = 10; Citations 242 Firenze, 20/08/2016 Dr. Stefano Alessandri Via Morgiano 9 50012 ANTELLA FI E-mail: [email protected]

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