Reviewer Guide
The following brief guide provides instructions for reviewing contributions submitted to PLOS Currents: Influenza.
Goals of the review process
The goal of the PLOS Currents review process is to determine as rapidly as possible if the conception, structure and presentation of the submission indicate that it is a legitimate work of science and does not contain any obvious methodological, ethical or legal violations. The submissions do not have to be full-length articles and emphasis should be placed on the results and data, rather than on the potential impacts.
Initial e-mail requesting you to review a submission
Upon being invited to review a PLOS Currents submission, you will receive a short email with a direct link to the article. The email title will read:
“(reviewer) has been invited to review (article) by (editor)”
Please respond to this email at your earliest convenience to confirm or decline your interest in providing a review.
Web form for submitting your review
Once logged in to your WordPress account, the URL provided in the invitation email will direct to the ‘edit article’ page for this submission, where you will be able to submit your review comments and provide a decision recommendation for this article. The ‘View Article’ or ‘Preview’ buttons found at the top of the page will allow you to view the article itself, and provide access to a PDF version of the paper.
On the ‘Edit Article’ page, comments can be provided in the ‘Reviews’ text box which appears at the bottom of the page. The editorial recommendation (Accept, Revise, Reject) can be provided in the pull-down tab in the same box.
Please note that all review comments should be provided in the “Reviews” text field, and not the ‘Internal Comments” text field. Internal Comments are made available to all users with access to the submission, including authors.
As always, please feel free to contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the review process for PLOS Currents: Influenza.